Page 106 of Only Once


“Son,what exactly did you think was going to happen when you showed up tonight?” My dad’s white eyebrows dipped. It was the tone he used that unsettled me. Suddenly there was an entire team of sharpshooters out and ready to protect Bexley. I wanted her to have people in her corner; it was just awkward when I was trying to get in that corner too and they had their sights set on me.

“I was thinking I’d come and see my family,” I replied easily, wiping off the oil from the engine in the truck my dad had picked up at a local auction. He loved flipping cars, but only to get them running and cleaned up; then he’d donate them to a nonprofit that helped teen moms. My dad was a hero, and when I had the chance to help touch some of the magic he created, it always made me feel like somehow I could be a better person because of it.

“Which one?” He moved around me, grabbing a clean rag.

I laughed, feeling lighter than I had in weeks. I’d been in regular communication with my parents as I sorted out what was going on with my departure from Brazil and my breakup with Bexley. They had never once mentioned anything about Bexley and the kids hanging around. Which reminded me…

“You good here for a bit? I want to go check on Cole.” I pulled out the funnel from the quart of oil I had added to the truck.

“Ryan, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Your mother is going to be watching him like a hawk…he’s clearly upset.” Again with the sharpshooters.Fuck my life.These people had once been on my team.

I let out a loud sigh. “I have no idea what happened with Bexley not telling them, but I should talk to him.”

“Did you call him?” my dad snapped, his eyes, which matched mine, blazing with anger. “Even one time while you two were broken up…did you reach out to him or to Bella to ask how they were doing?”

Shame simmered in my gut, making me want to slump over in pain. I hadn’t called. I hadn’t done anything but hurt and drink and cry.


“I need to apologize to him.” Especially before…

“I think you need to wait for Bexley to tell you what role you’re allowed in his life. You left…that boy has had a lot of leaving, very little staying. He doesn’t need you to confuse him.” My dad’s icy tone might as well have been an ice pick for how painfully his words landed.

The memory of Bella’s excited face when I’d stepped outside earlier flashed through my mind. Her arms had wrapped around me without question, leaving no room for anyone to refute it, to challenge it…she’d claimed me in front of everyone. Not even Bexley had moved to pry her from me when I’d arrived in the living room. There was still hope for me.

“I have to start somewhere, Dad.” I leaned against the frame of the truck and gritted my teeth together in frustration.

“And you will.” He walked past me toward the door and flipped the light, knowing I’d follow. “Back at square one, with his mom.”

Little did he know what I had planned for Cole’s mom. The only question was if she’d let me show her. In the end I knew I was going to ignore my dad’s advice regarding Cole. I had to; there was too much in motion not to give him a heads-up. I owed him that and so much more.