“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Bones countered with realism. “Let’s just see what we can get done. Let’s win this first, and then we can move forward.”

“That’s probably a better way to do things,” I agreed. Bones was a level-headed man who planned stuff out and took his time. I was a little more on the impulsive side and liked to go with the flow once in a while. If the spark was there, then my thought was to follow it. When it came to leading the group out on rides, I kept my flexibility. I had to. If the cops were tailing us on the ride, or if enemies were in my eyeline, I had to make quick decisions and ride the group out to safety.

Once the meeting was over, we all got up and headed back downstairs to start our respective days.

“I gotta catch up with Angie. I wonder how her little interview went with Delphia,” I mentioned to Smoke at the bottom of the stairs.

“You know Angie, she probably gave her a run for her money. But that’s what she does.” Smoke flashed me an ironic smile as we headed out the door.

“Yep. She does,” I replied absently. Delphia was on my mind for some reason. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and held them in my hand for a minute. A smile rose on my face.

One step at a time, one step at a time. I had to get gas often for my job, didn’t I?