He nodded. “That girl. Protecting her brother and all, then losing him. She’s special. I always knew it.” He looked saddened.

“Yeah and I did too. But you’ve done all you can.”

My guys strolled in behind me.

Delphia’s boss gaped at them. He took care of them one by one.

The guys bunched up around me as I exited the gas station. “Time to check out the area,” I stated.

We didn’t need to speak too much. We’d been together in some of the harshest human conditions known to man. So they let me be while I thought about what to do next.

I should have gone after Rocky after the robbery. If I had, then Delphia would be with me right now.

I paused. Angie. I would have to call her and find out if she knew anything. Digging in my pocket, the rocket fuel firing through my system made it hard to get a grasp on the phone. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to Delphia. I recovered it after a few fumbles.

Keys put a supportive hand on my shoulder to steady me.

I tapped her number. “Hey, Angie.”

“Hey, Bear,” she answered. “What’s going on?”

“Need your help. Delphia is missing,” the bad news tumbled out of my mouth in a raspy tone.

Her gasp came back through the line. “No! No, no. She can’t be gone. We are so close. We need her here. The article is coming out. Why?” Angie groaned.

I ignored her selfish protests, focusing as best I could on why I called her in the first place. “Angie… we have to locate Delphia. She’s missing, we need to find her. Screw your article!” Rage bubbled over in my system because I knew the consequences. I repressed my anger and pressed her for more information, “Did she talk to you about anything? Did she mention any places that she wanted to go? We have to get to her before Rocky does.”

“I gotta come with you guys. I want to be there,” Angie insisted.

I held back my surprise, because to me, despite Angie’s claims that she was on Delphia’s side, I didn’t believe that she had her best interest at heart all the way. Angie appeared to have an ulterior motive at every turn. I suspected it was to gain another exclusive if we located Delphia. “No. You won’t. Stay in Holbeck. My crew is here and you’re not going to turn this into another story. Somebody’s life is at stake here. Just tell me if she gave you a location.” My cutthroat tone let her know I wasn’t playing games with her. If she didn’t give me the information I wanted, I would let my frustration out on her.

“She talked to me about a few places she liked, but I don’t remember exactly… She said that she’d been looking at other places and that it looked pretty—something about it being more peaceful. She only mentioned it once.”

“Thanks,” I snapped. I could feel Keys’ eyes burning into me, but I didn’t care. “I’ll let you know once I find out more. I gotta get to her,” I said frantically.

“Bear. I would never run another story on her. I care about Delphia too. I’m not that heartless or desperate.” Angie sounded sincere.

I suspected she meant it this time. “I can’t have both of you at risk. You already got shot by Rocky. If I was to see Rocky’s face right now, I would shoot him dead. Him and the Road Warriors have to be exterminated like the rodents they are,” I spat out.

“I’ll do my best from here with Mia. We are piecing a few of the last cogs together and I will have news. Good luck, Bear. Keep me in the loop, and I will feed any information I can back to you,” she promised.

“Thanks. Bye, Angie.”

The guys were talking among themselves as I stepped onto the curb. I faced them with steel in my veins. “Guys, still nothing on where Delphia can be hiding or heading to. Not a single clue. Let’s keep moving. Let’s circle back to her house. There’s gotta be something. We’ll think about what to do next over there. I can’t fucking think straight. I might have to break in the back door or something,” I growled hastily as my jaw clenched wire tight. Wild desires for retribution were burning inside of me, but who was I going to get? Rocky or go save Delphia? My brain was scattered as I rubbed the back of my head, sweat beading over my forehead in exasperation.

I have to do everything to save her. I can’t fuck it up this time. I can’t let her die. I can’t.

As if he knew me too well, Keys spoke up, “That ain’t a good idea buddy. I know you wanna find her, but think with your head. That’s gonna put you in the suspect ring,” he reasoned as he looked at me with his hands out. He knew when I was mad he had to talk to me differently to get through.

“He’s right. Let’s just see what we can pick up. Circle back,” Tank reiterated.

They were right but if anything happened to Delphia, no one would recognize the monster I would become.

We searched around her place for ten minutes more. My eyes scoured the ground, desperate for any clue. I looked at her side window several times. All I had to do was rip my shirt off, cover my elbow and shove it through the window. She would have left a clue. She would. I stood there contemplating for a minute too long.

Keys grabbed me from behind. “Don’t even think about it, buddy. Nope. That’s not what you’re gonna do. We got you, but I can’t let you do that.” Keys held onto me.

My chest heaved and the sweat continued to drip from my body. “Keys. We have to get to her. The flashbacks, they’re so powerful. I’m str-struggling, man.” My voice cracked, but I couldn’t break. I just couldn’t.

Tank showed up. “Come on man. We can’t let you do it. We got you. We will find her. This is what we do.”