Fixing my gaze on the screen, I suspended my hand over the mouse for longer than I should. I closed my eyes and steadied my breath to book the ticket. I watched the wheel turn on the screen as it verified my payment. I then went to the Uber site and arranged for the car to pick me up on the next block over from Bear’s house.

I finished with my arrangements then went to pack a light bag. Makeup, hair stuff, a few outfits that I had brought with me. I would head to my house to get anything else I might need. I then hid the bag in the closet by Bear’s back door. I felt like some kind of sneak thief. Bear would be more than upset, but I’d rather he be mad at me than him being dead. I again shuddered, telling myself that this was the right thing to do. It had to be.

Bear came back into the living room, dark wet hair and his torso gleaming.

I swallowed hard. Damn, it would be more than hard to never see him again. The man was a bear, but he’d been my bear.

He grabbed me up and kissed me.

Again, I clung to him as if my life depended on it. But that was the thing, I didn’t want his life to be taken because of me.

We went to bed quite early that evening longing to be in each other’s arms.

Bear seemed to know that I was bone tired, so he just held me.

Finally, after lying there within the warmth and the haven that was my Bear, I knew he was sound asleep. I eased out from his hold.

He stirred and muttered, “Where ya going?”

I held my breath then faked a good answer, “Just to the restroom.”

He nodded and rolled over in the large bed.

I took the note I’d written earlier and laid it onto my pillow next to Bear.

Sneaking out of the bedroom, I quietly shut the door. I grabbed the bag from the small broom closet. Bye, Bear. You’re the best man I’ve ever met in my life.

There was no hesitating once I was outside. I quickly maneuvered through the alleys and over to the next block. The Uber was there waiting. I got in and he took me to the all night Walmart. I picked up the hair dye. Then I went on to my house.

Once I got inside, I pulled my suitcase out of the closet and started shoving clothes into it.

The scrounging around for all my belongings continued as I opened up my cupboards and grabbed things I thought I would need on my journey. I scooped up the coffee, sugar, spoons, a mug, no plates—I figured I could get plastic plates if I had to. By the time I finished up, it was one in the morning and I was bone tired.

The phone rang, and I was annoyed at myself for jumping and then answering it so quick. I hoped it wasn’t Bear or my plan had just gone out the window.

“You answered.”

A cold, fresh chill ran down my back as a hoarse, evil voice took over the phone.

“Rocky.” Heart palpitations revved my pulse into overdrive. Enough was enough for me. “You rob the gas station and now you want to call me? You’re going to be all over the news. I hope you like to read the paper.” I was almost yelling, but all I heard from the other end of the line was Rocky’s horrid laughter like the reckless maniac he was.

“You are such a dead bitch. Dead. Dead. Dead. Like your brother. It was fun for me, you know. I loved the thrill of it. Could’ve been avoided if you told me about the money, honey.”

A knife twisted in the cavern of my stomach as he spoke effortlessly about killing my brother.

“You know where the money is,” he went on. “I know you do.”

My gag reflex triggered into full flight mode as he dug the large, dull knife blade in a little further. “You better run because the cops are already after you! You piece of shit.” My mouth was running off pure adrenaline.

More Jekyll and Hyde laughter filled the phone from Rocky as the phone clicked dead.

I slumped to the ground and cried. Really cried. I reached the tissue box and sat there until the pool of tears flooded my face. Looking around my home for the last time was a surreal experience. A watery smile flickered over my face as the image of Bear popped up in my mind. At least, he would be alive and safe. I had a couple of selfies with us together and I would cherish them. The big warm protector Bear.

I’ll never forget you.

I had to move on with my life once and for all. Stomach pains were jabbing through me as the thought of leaving freaked me out, but it was best for everyone.

Bear’s day ride was in the morning and I would be gone by then… except it would be three a.m. in the dead of the night with nothing but my suitcase and my survivor’s overnight bag. The lease on my apartment was due in two months and I had enough in my savings to make it. More than enough. I’d been living in fear for the last year, so that was the bonus. I went from home to work, work to home, but that was no way for me to live. And I refused to allow Bear or anyone else to live with the same fear every damn day.