“You’re telling me, I got that soldier’s sixth sense about it. Something doesn’t feel right about how she’s acting.”

“Then you’re probably right. Make her the priority,” Smoke advised.

“How are things for you? You and Naomi? Gavin?” I asked, diverting the subject.

“We’re sweet, things are running smoothly for us. Bones not so much. He’s having real problems with Ryan.”

I sighed, stretching upwards. “I know. I can tell, he’s becoming a little harder around the edges and seems so frustrated about the deal and everything.”

“Yep. He does seem off these days. Ryan is acting a fool. I think he’s going through one of those rebel stages we all go through as young men.” Smoke justified Ryan’s behavior and a large dose of suspicion covered me.

“I don’t know about that. He’s old enough to know better. He needs to pull up out of it.” I heard myself and cringing as I combed my hair back with my hand. “I sound like an old grumpy bear. Forget it. You’re right, Bones has it covered.”

Smoke looked to the stairs where the voices of Bones and what sounded like Numbers could be heard. “I’m going to get up there. I gotta go.”

“Okay. I’m supposed to come too. That’s why I’m here.”

“Cool, let’s go up then.” Smoke started up the stairs.

I followed him up.

Bones and Numbers nodded at us when we came in through the door.

Bones waved at me. “We’ve been getting some calls in for high level and private security gigs. Numbers is teeing things up where we might have some opportunities coming our way. From the security detail we provided at the casino it seems like we have some interest. And as you are our enforcer, you will head this team.”

I wasn’t surprised about the new pathways that were opening up to the Rebel Saints. “Security detail would be ideal for most of us. That’s a good little gig, right up my alley.”

“Thought as much. I will let everyone know at the next meeting, I’m sure.”

“We’re doing alright as a club aren’t we? Not too bad at all.” I nodded latching on to the good news. We all really need some of that.

“Yup. We got it going on right now. We just have to maintain what we’ve built and not let anyone come in and tear it down.”

“Wholeheartedly agree.” I nodded at Bones then at Numbers. “Let me get out of here now and I’ll talk to all you soon.”

“Gotcha.” Numbers nodded.

I headed out into the daylight of Holbeck. I straddled my Harley to ride back home and my phone rang. “Yo. Bear here.”

“Bear, it’s Bones,” he greeted. “I forgot to tell you what I really called you over for.”

“Yeah, I thought the security detail was the news?”

“I wanted to keep you in the loop about the casino.” He paused.

“What about it?”

“A third bidder has put in a bid that is nuts and we are going to have to make a call about bidding any further. I’ve put a lot on the line to win this casino. I’m close to pulling the plug, but I figure we have about two more bids left in us before we have to pull out altogether.”

“Is it a case of needing a little extra cash? I have some money stashed away if that’s the problem. I’d loan it to the club if it’s going to get us over the line and through those doors into the casino,” I offered.

“Thanks, I might need you. I might not. We have enough earnings from the bar to keep us held over. If we win the casino though… what we lose in the bidding process will magnify and come back to us times ten.”

“Remember that I have it if you need it. I know you’re good for it.”

“Thanks, man,” Bones replied. “So how ya doing? You looked a bit distracted.”

Bones had always been keen on all the men, knowing when something seemed wrong. “Better than you are, I hear,” I responded carefully.

“You’re right about that. Ryan hasn’t been at home with us for the last little while, me and Harper are starting to fight about things. It’s boring, and it’s causing a bunch of havoc between us. It will clear up some time. I don’t know when, but it will clear up.”

“Tough. Ryan is such a decent kid. Must be the people he’s connected to.”

“It’s more than that, but hey, at that age I was worse than him so what can I say or do? He’s going to do what he does.” Bones sighed, sounding like he was in a hard place.

“Hang in there man. And I will do the same.”

“Yeah. Let me know if you need help with…The girl and Rocky. The club is behind you.”

“Thanks, Prez. It means a lot to me.” I ended the call and then gave into my gut instinct again. Delphia needed me and 2 hours had been too long to be leaving her by herself. Yes, Ink was there but it was my job to protect her.