“That is nuts, he’s such a good kid. What happened to him?”

“I don’t know, same old, same old, hanging out with the wrong crowd. That’s the norm isn’t it with kids that go nuts, right?”

“Yeah. I guess so.” I felt for Bones. He was really having a tough time, and I didn’t think anything I could say or do would help. Family matters were tough to deal with.

“Are you still checking in with Delphia?” Bones asked.

“Yes, I am. She’s up against it right now with Rocky.”

Bones raised his eyebrows. “Rocky? What’s that about?”

“Angie is still writing the story and he’s trying to intimidate her with threatening phone calls.”

“What’s your part in it?” Numbers asked me.

The same discomfort rose inside of me that I’d felt when I’d spoken to Keys. I forced my eyes downwards to the ground. “I’m just helping her along. I just pick her up sometimes from the gas station. She’s a little freaked out about the whole thing, so I’m looking out for her.”

“Is that right? Does it have to be you to do it?”

Number’s bold smirk let me know that maybe the secret I so desperately wanted to guard was already out. “Sure does. I’m a road captain after all and the bear.” I clapped him on the back keeping the energy light, hoping to get him off the scent.

Numbers frowned. “Hmm. That’s a good thing. Rocky has to be banished. That guy is still hanging around causing havoc.”

“The whole Road Warrior clan needs to be taken out.” Bones growled. “From what I’m told there’s a silent bid, and I’m damn sure they’re involved. I want them to get the hell out of the way. Imagine if the Road Warriors beat us out of that spot.”

“They won’t,” Numbers reassured him. “We got a little more to play with. If you keep going like this, you’re going to pop a blood vessel, though. Just chill out and relax.”

To me, Numbers looked pretty relaxed about the whole thing. As if he didn’t have a shadow of a doubt.

Bones let out a sigh. “You’re right. I feel like we’re under pressure and we’re all in as it is. It’s a tough one to deal with. We’ve put so much on the line.”

“We’re not going to lose it,” I agreed with Numbers. “You gotta remember the Rebel part of our name. I gotta run. I have a few things to take care of, but keep me posted. Try not to stress out about all of this so much. Okay, Prez?”

“Easier said than done,” he said gruffly.

“You’ll be okay. See you both soon. Numbers, get ‘em!”

“Sure will. We’ve already won it in my mind,” Numbers confirmed.

I moved out of the room and down the stairs to the outside.

As soon as I walked out into the freshness of the Holbeck air, I thought of Delphia. Her sweetness, her kind energy, and having her next to me in the morning. Having to let go of Delphia was going to be rough. I didn’t want her to feel obligated to me, however. I wanted her to go back to her house and feel like she could get on with her life, but my fears were getting the best of me. I rode through the back streets to home. But first, I wanted to go see her and just touch base.

I let the throttle out on my Harley, riding the short distance to Holbeck Gas. As I got off, I found myself grinning; Delphia did that to me. She was the gas to light the spark inside of me again.

“Hey. I need some gas on pump five, can you help out, li’l lady?”

“Huh? Pump five?” Delphia looked up from where she was and stared at me dumbfounded. Her energy shifted when she saw that it was me. “Bear, what are you doing here? I don’t get off until later.”

“I know. I just wanted to see your face. If you’re busy, I can go away. I was in the area anyway because I was at Wheelz.” If I told her I was checking up on her, I feared she would start to think I was being overprotective even though I told her I would keep watch over her.

“No, I’m glad you’re here. I’m hoping I can knock off early tonight. It’s always slow on weeknights.”

“I hope so too, then we can get back to snuggling under the blankets like last night.” Having Delphia’s arms around me was a feeling like no other.

“Oh, my god,” she groaned. “That would feel so good right now. It’s so cold in here. I’m always having to wear this jacket.”

“You look good in the jacket though. It suits you.” I grinned as her crimson cheeks flamed at my compliment. I liked the shyness in her. She made me feel powerful somehow and like the protector I was meant to be now… and in the past.