I nodded, blinking several times not knowing how to answer. Maybe Bear was my saving grace and I was his. Who could say? I was glad he popped up in my life.

Bear then did everything he’d promised to do. He rode on his beast of a Harley that fit him like a glove, it was as if the bike was an extension of his power. He idled out the front of my house until I got to my door safely.

I waved to him through the navy-blue darkness and moved inside. I felt my heart settle back in my chest and I don’t know that it should have. Just because I was inside my house, it didn’t mean I was any safer.

I flicked on the light and headed straight to my bedroom dropping off my bag and dumped myself on my bed. As I lay back, looking up at the sticker stars that I still had decorating the ceiling above, I realized that my brother wouldn’t want me to live like this. He would want me to have fun and live my life.

Sighing hard, I figured it was time to live. If Rocky was after me, then he would have his work cut out for him. He got off of those charges but it still made the police suspicious of him. They would at least look at him if something happened to me. I winced at my thoughts. Tomorrow, I would probably feel differently and be back to being scared about everything. For the time being, I would believe that I could have a normal, healthy life.

My eyes eventually closed down for sleep.

Sunlight blazing into my window naturally woke me up as I tried to rub the sunshine out of my eyes. My curtain couldn’t even hide it because they were translucent and it was shining through so hard. I picked up my phone to check it out of a compulsive habit. Scrolling Facebook was the way I started the day to see if there was anyone on there. That’s when I noticed the message from Bear.

Good morning. I hope you slept well. Do you like movies?

My fingers were on the phone pretty quickly and typing back to him with a sleepy grin. Yes. I love them.

I’m a trekkie fan and they are having a movie marathon at the old school cinema. Wanna go with me?

I love Star Trek! Yes!

Ok. Trek fans unite. I will call you and we can work out a date.

Cool. :)

Are you okay today?

My grin was growing wider at how sweet he was being. Yes. Feeling much better. Thank you for last night.

You’re welcome. Have fun in life, Delphia. You’re only young once. I know it’s hard not to live in fear, but the Rebel Saints are going to cover you. Give me a call if anything happens and make sure your boss fixes that security camera. x

I will. Thanx.

I put my phone away, I was in a better mood and almost floated to the kitchen. I put together a solid breakfast and munched away thinking about getting back into life. I loved Holbeck’s fairgrounds and I hadn’t been there in a long time. Plus, I hadn’t seen my friend Rochelle in weeks because of my hermit lifestyle. Spontaneously, I called her.

“Hi, Rochelle. How are you?” I said when she picked up.

“Is that you, Delphia?” she asked as if I were a long-lost friend that she hadn’t seen or heard from in years.

“Yep. It’s me. I know, I know. I’ve been low key for a little bit. Just been having some time out.” She also knew about my brother. It was hard not to know about him due to the media. A murder in Holbeck was a top storyline for all the journalist sharks looking for a feed in the water.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say. I miss you though,” she offered kindly.

“I miss you too, not much you can say. I was calling you to see if you want to go to the fair with me this weekend. Would you be interested?”

“Yes, it would be great to go! That’s a great idea. I haven’t been there for ages. We can hang and you can catch me up on stuff.”

“Nothing much to catch on except working at the gas station. It’s been alright though.”

“We will have to shake shit up then and make up some fun stuff to do.” She decided.

I chuckled, remembering how fun Rochelle could be. This new enthusiasm for life could work… provided, I could block out the fear long enough.