“Wow, both of you have such cool bikes. I can’t wait to save up for one,” one of the other boys said.

“Just make sure you take as many lessons as you can,” Bones explained. “Before you get out on the road, because it’s not you that you have to worry about, it’s other people. If you own a motorcycle, it’s important to think about safety first.”

By the time we got into the groove with the boys, it felt like we’d only been talking for an hour. I had so much fun, and the boys were all good kids from all walks of life. The questions flowed and there was no unruly behavior or class clowns, just good kids.

As we started to finish up, the parents came to pick up their boys. We got to know them too, and they seemed grateful to have a little extra time on their hands.

“That was amazing. Man! Why didn’t we start doing this earlier?” I exclaimed.

“One of those things. We’re doing it now, that’s all that matters.” Bones walked to his bike before turning to me. “You're working the bar tonight right?”

“Right. Charlie is opening. He’s doing a good job.” I paused as I tied the crate back into position on my bike. “I’ve invited a friend down to the club tonight.”

“Friend? Does this friend have boobs by any chance?” Bones teased as he put his helmet on.

“She does. Don’t start, you’ll meet her.” Truth was I didn’t know if Jaz would show, but a man could hope.

“Must be special if you invited her down, especially,” he probed.

“She is.” That’s all I wanted to divulge. I wanted to sort through things with Jaz once and for all—I had no idea what the club would think.

Wheelz was buzzing with the regulars, a couple of the old ladies, and new faces. We were becoming a popular hangout in Holbeck. The pool competition Chalk started was picking up and getting great traction. The cash prizes were a big part of it as well.

I kept my head down and worked the bar, trying not to think about if Jaz had skipped town. I didn’t want to think too hard, but my mind kept pulling back to her. Her scent, the fiery way she talked to me. The roundness of her breasts as I pushed her against the wall. She was driving me insane and I thought I might just lose it. I diverted my attention to the mundane task of grabbing a bunch of glasses out of the washing bay and started polishing them.

I looked up at the door. Nothing. Shit. I couldn’t shut off my emotions no matter how I tried. Maybe she’d already skipped town and it was over…a nightmare I refused to think about.

Five minutes later, I dragged my eyes up to the door again. Grrrr. I growled beneath my breath.

Jaz? Where are you? Come on. You want me and I want you. Get down here. I kept going and let my mind drift away for a minute, trying to forget her.

Right at that moment a soft, provocative voice shook me out of my aloofness. “You missed a spot.” I lowered the glass and looked right into the bright blue eyes of Jaz sitting in front of me with her arms folded.

Inside, I wanted to hug her and lift her over the bar into my arms, but instead my pride made me standoffish. My dark eyes drilled holes into her. My arms were stiff as she attempted to disarm me with her beguiling ways. I held back a little. “You made it,” I said in a stilted tone as I placed a wine glass down on the bar.

“I did.” She sighed. “Can I have one of those?” She pointed to the wine glass I’d been polishing and leaned her gorgeous face on her hands.

“Sure. White or red?” I snapped. I wanted her to know I was mad, but I felt like an idiot. I was the one who’d invited her down to the club.

“White, thanks,” she said solemnly.

I reached down to the fridge below and pulled out a white wine, pouring her a generous serving as she slid a twenty across the bar.

“That’s too much. It’s only five dollars.”

She shook her head as she put her palm over the money. “Take it and use it for your kitty or something. I didn’t bring my purse to carry any change. I wanted to travel light.” Her eyes were a little sad.

I wanted to know why she looked so saddened. I raked a hand through my hair as I stared at her. “Alright. I have a break shortly, we can catch up then.”

“Cool. I’ll watch the action for now. Cool place.” She swiveled on her stool and rested the back of her elbows on the bench as she watched the pool competition take place.

I served a few other people and rounded the bar to sit next to her.

Her blue eyes were softer today, her lips paler, and she’d dressed down with her black hair hanging in place with a couple of bobby pins.

“Jaz. What are you running from?” No maple syrup on this. I wanted the raw truth, so I cut to it as I turned to face her.

She didn’t back down and looked right into my eyes. “I don’t—I don’t know if you really want to know about my life.”