Chapter Twelve: Trouble Returns


If Red Stone Casino thought that was the end of me they had another think coming. I left places of my own accord. As I fled the casino, my insides were burning with fury and that energy was directed towards Ink. He’d called Biloxi, trying to hunt me down? The man could be my undoing and we both knew it. Owned by a biker club? I’d tackled worse than them. I’d gotten this far, but still, the way Ink yelled at me made shivers down my spine.

When I arrived back at my apartment, I went straight to the shower. I kept feeling icky from the fear of being caught and Mississippi’s sultry heat. I jumped in the shower and let the water flow over me from tip to toe. The shower brought me back to life as I stared at the woman I’d become in the mirror. I would have to change, but not before I taught Ink a lesson in Jaz. If he wanted to dig into my past… I would give him a little dose of it.

The next morning I got up at a decent hour. It was muggy in Holbeck before 7 a.m., causing me to wake up earlier than I wanted to. I ordered breakfast in and sat out on my balcony, probably for the last week I would be in Holbeck. I saw the hesitation and I knew of the soft spot he held for me. One more hurrah in the Mahogany room and that would be the end for me in Holbeck.

Once my stomach was full I laid out my outfit. I would have to put up another entry fee, but it would be worth every penny to get away with it. I loved it when an evil plan came together. I kissed my parents’ photo like I always did and occupied myself until nightfall.

I checked my phone periodically throughout the day, thinking I might receive a message from Ink. Nothing came through. We’d become one another’s obsession and he’d given me way too many chances already, if I were him I would have reported me. I took the last of my money to the local bank and deposited it in my account. My plan throughout my stay in Holbeck worked. I had been depositing my winnings into the bank incrementally until I was left with only two stacks.

I applied my mascara expertly and outlined my eyes with a winged eyeliner. I ran two coats of Mac fuchsia lipstick over my lips for the finishing touch. I toned down the dress code from the neck down by wearing all black. I took the next step and cracked open my small safe where two stacks laid waiting for me. I grabbed one stack and hastily placed it in my purse—I was good to go.

The cicadas of Holbeck sang in symphony as I reached the ground floor and walked over to the Red Stone casino. As I approached, my stomach balled itself into knots, I fidgeted with my fingers as I silently entered the double doors doing my best not to make eye contact with the security guards. I got past one stop gap. I had enough chips for entry upstairs.

I stepped in the elevator and the Chinese guy was already in there. He stared hard at me, and I cast my eyes down.

Two other people stepped into the elevator, both on the fun-loving side.

“Hi, you headed to the Mahogany room?” A young lady with whom I assumed to be her husband asked.

“Yes, I take it you are too?” I replied politely.

The Chinese man who had been pushed to the front cocked his head sideways, listening for my voice.

“Yes. This is our first time here and we wanted to experience it.”

I didn’t want to make small talk with either of them. I didn’t want more attention than necessary.

The elevator stopped and the door opened to the decadence for those with a little more money to burn.

I slid past the couple as the silent Chinese man trailed his eyes over me again. I grinned at him and kept walking. Catch me if you can. First hit. The blackjack table. No oil tycoon tonight, just me and the intriguing man in the grey suit.

The room was buzzing with money, glamor and gambling. Step right up and risk it all, if you dare. I sailed over to the bar as I checked out the security guarding the space. None of them were Ink. Maybe he wasn’t even working for the night.

I wish I knew his schedule, but this little hurrah was to spite him. Once I purchased my drink, I took a large gulp. Ok, that’s better. My jittery nerves were deadened a little. I found a packed table to play on and shook off the nerves.

The dealer revealed the first card. Seven of hearts.

The cards I held were good. Ten of diamonds and an ace. 21! I ended up winning the first game as my hand was better than others, no cheating.

I switched up the game and moved to the roulette table. All the while, my eyes darted to security, but not one of them made a move to me. I grinned to myself and relaxed a little. I’d gotten away with it, I’d really gotten away with it. I loosened up and became light on my feet again. I talked to the patrons around me. I clinked glasses with the couple that rode on the elevator and whooped it up with them. They bought me drinks and we laughed together as if we were old friends.

The novelty of my little plan wore off when I saw that Ink was nowhere to be seen.

I stepped back from the tables and was about to make a move to head downstairs and cause more havoc when I saw a crowd forming over at the blackjack table.

The Chinese man sat at that table. He had one hand in his pocket and the other on the edge of the table.

I crossed my arms and tried not to sway too much from all the drinks I’d had.

Even in my inebriation I knew what I just saw. A fellow sleight of hand, and his was even quicker than mine. A slide of a card by using his drink as a deflection. Clever. Clever. The man was an illusionist. One might say I was too, but this was at a whole ‘nother level. I kept watching him as he played again, the same trick. His movements were intricately woven with a bunch of other movements that kept the dealer so distracted they didn’t notice. I blinked hard and waited for another game, which he played straight.

We had some identical tricks up our sleeves.

Time to sober up and find Ink to tell him I found another cheater. He would be upset that I got in. I wondered if the Chinese man had to do it to survive like I did. Facing Ink would be a treat. Deep down, it’s what I came to the casino for. I cashed in my chips upstairs and said goodbye to the new friends I met at the table.