Chapter Nine: Thin Ice


When the guy walked out the back door with the garbage, I was left feeling frustrated. I pressed myself against the brick wall of the casino and thumped my head. Jaz. She was becoming a problem for me. A devil in a sassy disguise.

I watched the worker from the corner of my eye in the violet dark. He threw two large garbage bags in the dumpster and returned back inside, giving me the impression that I could move. Just as I started, he returned with another two garbage bags and threw them into the dumpster. I waited for another few minutes to let my cock return to its resting state.

My body was full to the brim with adrenaline and now I had erotic memories of Jaz running through my mind. I swallowed down a mixture of passion, worry and rage as I shook my head. Finally, I walked back onto the floor. I ran into Damien along the way.

“Hey man, everything okay? I saw that big guy from the high roller room.”

“I’m okay. Who was that guy with badge number 954? He wasn’t doing his goddamn job. He was on the phone, and the whole thing could have been prevented if he was doing what he was supposed to do.” I ran a hand through my hair. I was ready for heads to roll.

“We’re already on it. We saw it upstairs. He’s going to catch hell for it.”

“Good.” My phone started to ring and I excused myself from Damien. I looked at the caller ID. Bones.

“Got some news for you.” The dead calm Bones spoke with made my ears open wider.

“What is it?” I gripped my phone.

“Biloxi casino is owned by the Road Warriors, worse than the Devil Riders. Ten times worse. I don’t know how much she stole from them yet. I’m still working on it with Smoke. She’s lucky she got away. Looks like she’s flying solo.”

I looked over my shoulder to make sure Damien wasn’t too close. I felt trapped between a rock and a hard place. I cared for her, but I also wanted to catch her. If this were a relationship status ? it would be ? it’s complicated. She’d run, too and I might never see her again. I couldn’t let that happen. I wanted to finish what we started in the garage. “Shit. Okay, well, I’m going to keep chipping away. Have you called the casino yet?” I asked as I re-entered the double doors.

“Not yet, but I will. I’m guessing she wouldn’t be using her real name there.” Bones was smart.

I knew Jaz’s past was about to be broken open and she would have nowhere to hide. “Agreed. Let’s see,” I replied. “Gotta go, but thanks for the intel.”

“No problem. Take it easy,” Bones signed off.

Jaz was in deeper than even she knew.

A few hours later, Red Stone closed for the night and we all went our separate ways. I would have to devise a better plan to nab Jaz in the twisted web she was weaving. Thinking about our steamy encounter, those legs wrapped around me, the tease of those sultry lips, her panting, me panting. All of it was enough to drive a man to the brink of insanity.

I had a day off from the casino and I was grateful. I wanted time to process after everything that went down between me and Jaz.

She must need money. She has no friends… and why isn’t she closer to her family since she speaks to them every day? I couldn’t shake the intensity of feelings I had for her and nor did I want to. I moved to my pantry, grabbing a granola bar and pouring myself a juice. I planned on doing a whole bunch of nothing while I steamed over Jaz and whether to pick up the phone to call her.

My phone buzzing next to me in between the grooves of the couch let me know that probably wasn’t going to be the case. “Hey, Smoke. It’s early. Whatcha doing?”

“I went to get something to eat, and I thought you might be up. You got a day off today right?”

“Yup, I am off,” I said, thinking that relaxation and solitude were the only items on my agenda.

“Good news, you were on my mind. ‘Cos you’ve been working 24/7 you don’t know that we’ve started talking about community service events.” Smoke insinuated.

“Community service events?” My mind had been like sieve since I met Jaz. Keeping up with her was enough to drive a man like me insane.

“You remember how we talked about conducting mechanic workshops for the youth and the after school groups?”

“Ohhh! That’s right. I’m down for that. When is Bones running it?”

“He’s already setting it up. Do you want in?”

“Yep. Sounds good.” I had no children of my own, but I wanted them in my future. I knew that much. I wish I had some help with the maintenance of my bike earlier on in life. I might have kept some of my old bikes for longer if I did. “Nice. Are you going to take some too? Are you going to get Gavin involved?”

“You hit the nail on the head. For me and Gavin, I thought it would be a good bonding exercise.” Smoke nodded.