I panted and caught my breath.

“You bitch!” The large man pointed his finger. “You cheated! She cheated! Get her.”

The other security saw the commotion, shut down his phone finally, and ran over.

Ink had his back turned to me while pushing Tyrone in the chest and away from me. “Move back now! Get back and get out of here.” Ink’s brute force was too much for him.

The more the Texan tried to speak the more Ink pushed the air out of his lungs.

The other security came to aid Ink and locked Tyrone’s arms behind him.

The moment was exhilarating. I clung onto my winnings and for the first time in my life, I asked myself the question.

Jaz, isn’t it time to stop? You could buy a house with the money you have now and relax. Live a normal life and that’d be it.

The voices in my own head were shocking to me. Never in my life had I fathomed quitting. This would be the way I lived and even though it was rough and tumble sometimes, I knew how to survive. If I stopped I would be a fish out of water.

The other security guy escorted Tyrone back inside.

Ink stalked towards me in the light of the moon.

I was happy to see Ink and showed him with a smile. “Thank you—”

“Don’t thank me,” he interrupted me. “Are you nuts? I want to know, Jaz. That man was about to rip you to shreds,” he yelled.

I shrunk back from the reprimand. “Why are you yelling?” I pointed in the direction of Tyrone. “You should be concerned with him, not me. I’m not a criminal!” I put on a good show, but I knew it was useless.

“Jaz. You were cheating. I told you to quit while you were ahead. You didn’t listen to me.” Ink was rigid with anger.

I knew I had to soften him. “You don’t know that. He’s mad because I beat him, that’s all.” I dropped my head a little and slunk into him to close the gap. I ran a finger down the middle of his chest and heard a small achy groan from him.

“You’re on camera, Jaz. I’m not losing my job for you. Get your hands back,” he breathed with a hiss.

I pulled my finger back. “Then lead us to a place where we can talk privately off-record.”

Quietly he moved to the side of the building and out of the direct sight of the camera. “Jaz, a cat has nine lives, but you don’t. You could have been hurt. If you cheat the wrong person, you could wind up dead.” Veins were standing out on his neck.

I reached a hand out to stroke it. “So angry. Don’t be. You don’t have to worry about me, but I’m glad that you are. You do care.” I called on my feminine charms, batting my eyelashes and talking sweetly. I slipped through the gap and into his arms. I lifted up the bottom of his shirt and fanned my hands over his abdominals as he groaned. I laughed with glee at my ability to rock him. The growing ache in my center built inside of me. He was pure muscle and all my senses were alight. I greedily ran my fingers up further as his glossy pupils shone back at me in the night. They were full of rapturous intent. I wanted him to devour me. Right here. Right now.

“Jaz, this isn’t going to solve anything and you know it.” His voice sounded husky, yet delicious.

“You are unconvincing in your argument. I think you should stop talking.” A rush of hormones rampaged through my body as I saw him struggling with the fine line of good versus evil while his primal urges surfaced. He was straining against me and I was close enough to feel the glorious length of him. I wanted to satisfy that need. I was willing to take it there in order to distract him and enjoy myself at the same time.

He flipped me around to the wall, shoving me against it. I hooked my legs around his back as he crushed his lips to mine. He was relentless and rough, as my lips were bruised from the brutality of his carnal possession. I dug my fingers into his flesh, panting and grinding my hips against him. I liked it a little rough and rogue. I sucked on his bottom lip then his eyes closed as if he was in pain. I liked seeing him under my rule. I liked him weak for me like this. I’d found his open spot. Me.

“Is this what you wanted Jaz, huh? Is this what you want?” He hissed.

I nipped at his ear. “It is what I want. It is. Take me right here. Now. Against the wall. Come on,” I egged him on as he flipped my dress up and fondled my breasts. His hands were hot as he pulled down my bra and tweaked my nipple with one hand. I cried out in delight as he continued to suck my breath away with a hard kiss. His brash approach to my nipples was making me start to ache down below. I had to hold my legs around him a lot harder as only one of his hands was functional. He returned them both to my ass making it easier. His head was dropped in position near my breast as his tongue reached out to find my nipple.

I pulled his head to it. “Yes! Keep going!” He grunted hard as I ran my hands through the softness of his hair.

The back door swinging open to a worker with a garbage bag made Ink drop me abruptly, my legs shaky as he hid me behind him. “Stay there,” he directed.

I reluctantly pulled down my dress and picked my purse up from the ground. This was my time to flee. I ran around the corner in my heels to the front of the casino. I kept running even though I was wearing heels. I could hear my own breath and lungs burning from the intense exertion. The lapping sound of the water splashing against the wharf’s edge was coming closer now. I stopped running as soon as I got off Red Stone Casino premises.

The imprint of Ink’s hands were all over my body as I felt wild inside and frustrated. The running helped very little to erase the residue of powerful lust between us. My run slowed to a jog and then to a walk. I stopped to prop myself up near a building and waited for the beating in my chest to calm. My phone blipped and I was certain it was Ink. I inhaled as the chatter of people and lights from the boardwalk had me straightening up and collecting my senses.

The boardwalk was lit up and the ambience of the crowd made me feel safer. My ankles were a little sore and throbbing. I hadn’t been prepared to be running along in heels. I started to laugh hysterically as I stumbled back to my temporary home. I received a few strange looks, but I didn’t care. I punched in my apartment code and traveled in the elevator to my apartment. I stepped out, stuck my keycard in the door and sank down against the door. I sighed deeply as I opened my purse and pulled out my cell phone. On the lock screen was a message from Ink.

You can run, but you can’t hide. We have unfinished business. Ink.

I held the cell phone to my chest and laughed as I looked at the scuffed bottom of my shoe heels.

We certainly did.