“Can I take a raincheck?” I asked, gesturing to the bag hanging off my shoulder. “I just have so much work to do tonight.”

“Sure. Next time.”

She didn’t seem disappointed, which was a relief.

With my book in my possession and my creepy boss no longer blocking my way, I headed out of the dressing room, ready to go home. But as I passed by Duane’s office, I noticed the door was open. There were three men inside with him, and I slowed down to peek inside, my curiosity getting the better of me. The men all had their backs to me, and I saw that they were wearing patches like Smoke’s, but these were different. The name of the club was Devil Riders and the bottom of the patch said Glenam, MS, instead of Holbeck. This must be a different club.

But what really caught my attention was Duane’s expression. I’d never seen the man look so nervous. He sat at his desk while the men towered over him, and I watched as he counted out a large stack of bills, handing it over to one of the men. Then, his eyes shifted, meeting mine.

One of the Devil Riders turned, following his gaze, and when he saw me standing there, he strode over glaring at me.

I let out a little squeak of fear and surprise, backing away from the door, but he wasn’t coming for me, just closing the door.

Still, the menace that radiated off of the man, off of all of them, gave me chills. Something strange was happening here, and even though I knew it was none of my business, I couldn’t help wondering what it was. Why would Duane be paying those men so much money? And why did he look scared? No matter what was going on, I knew one thing. I got bad vibes from those men, and I hoped to never cross their paths again.