Her mention of Gavin made my uneasy feeling morph into white-hot anger. Her words sounded way too much like a threat to be ignored. “How about you keep your damn mouth shut about my love life and my kid, and we won’t have any problems?” It was the most polite suggestion she would get from me.

“Fine,” she huffed, turning and stomping away. She paused as the door, turning back to me. “You know what your problem is? You’re not willing to do what needs to be done. You walk around here, acting like you’re making some big sacrifice by taking off your clothes for money, but you won’t even do what you have to do to get on the main stage, where the big money is. You’re too weak.”

“I have morals, despite what I do for a living,” I said. “Being a stripper doesn’t make me a prostitute.”

Angel sneered before turning away and leaving the dressing room. She slammed the door behind her so hard that the mirror mounted on the wall shook.

Shimmer frowned and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like, “Drama queen,” but she didn’t even bother to turn around. She just kept on applying makeup. A smart woman to stay out of the drama.

I just wished I was skilled enough to pull that off myself.

I got dressed for the night, willing myself to calm down after that altercation. I would have to tell Smoke about it later, and hopefully it would turn out that Angel was just exaggerating. The club meant so much to Smoke, but until I got the chance to talk to him, I had a show to do.