“I’m sure he does love you. If he’s acting differently, maybe it’s because he’s getting older. People get sentimental with age, don’t they?”

“I think it depends on the person. If you’d asked me a few weeks ago, I would have said that my dad would never be the tender hearted type, but I might be wrong. Do you mind if I take him tomorrow?” It was a Saturday, so I didn’t have to work and Gavin was home from school. It would be the perfect day for a trip to my dad’s house.

“I think that’s a great idea,” Naomi smiled. “Gavin will be thrilled to meet his grandpa.”

I felt a little anxious about it, since my dad and I tended to butt heads when we were together, especially since my mom died. We were just different types of people, but I hoped the two of us could move past the tense phase in our relationship. For Gavin, if nothing else. I had been thinking about it for a while, and I thought it would be good for all of us if he and Gavin got to know each other.

After breakfast, Naomi glanced at the clock and let out a low curse. “I’ve got to get ready. I don’t want Gavin to be late.”

I cleaned up the breakfast dishes as I heard the shower running.

Gavin had already gotten dressed and was back in the living room while he waited to leave.

I stepped into the bedroom just as Naomi pulled a white sundress over her head. The hem of the skirt was covered in big, blue flowers and it flowed down to her knees. It had thin straps and the material was gathered in the front, meaning that it hugged her chest, accentuating her curves.

She was a total knockout, and the sight of her helped solidify my decision to present her with an Old Lady cut. I wanted to have something tangible to show her and the rest of the world that she was mine. I stood there like a slack-jawed fool, staring for too long.

“You okay?” she asked.

“Uh, yeah,” I said, shaking my head to clear my thoughts. “I just wanted to ask you something before you leave.”

“What is it?”

“Would you be my Old Lady?”

Naomi didn’t respond right away. She just stared at me expectantly for a full ten seconds before saying, “I don’t know what that is.”

I let out a nervous laugh, “Right. Of course, you don’t.”

I’d gotten so worked up at the idea of asking this of her that I had completely forgotten about the fact she wasn’t a part of the biker world and wouldn’t know what I was talking about. Crossing to the closet, I opened it up and rifled through it for a moment before pulling out the cut I’d ordered for her a couple of days ago, after our first night here together. I had known right away that I wanted this, and this past week together had just solidified that conviction. The cut had just arrived yesterday.

“This is what I’m talking about.” I said, holding it up with the back facing her, so she could see it. The Rebel Saints patch was on the back, with the club’s name across the top, just like mine. But instead of listing the club’s location, the button rocker had the words ‘Old Lady’ stitched there.

“An Old Lady is a club term. Some motorcycle clubs use the term WAG, which stands for wives and girlfriends, but we stick with the traditional one,” I explained. Naomi didn’t look offended by the term, which was a relief. Some women didn’t understand and got touchy about it. “It might sound weird, but it’s actually a position of respect in the club. Women aren’t allowed to join the club, it’s in the bylaws, but we have Old Ladies. When a member asks a woman to be an Old Lady, he’s showing her and the rest of the world how committed he is to her by presenting her with a vest. And if the woman wears it, she’s letting the club know that she’s his girl, and they’ll always have her back. Disrespecting an Old Lady is one of the few things that is grounds for expulsion from the club.”

“So...this is a big deal, isn’t it? A commitment?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “That’s exactly what it is. It’s my way of saying that I’m crazy about you, and I’m in this for the long haul.”

“You are?” she asked.

I felt surprised she didn’t know. Or maybe she did, but she needed reassurance because of her shaky past. Well, that was what I was giving her. “Yep. I think I’ve been yours since the moment you reappeared in my life. There is no getting rid of me now.”

Naomi laughed lightly. “Good. Now, hand it over.”

I did so, watching as she shrugged it on.

The black leather contrasted with the dress to give her a ‘girl-next-door gone bad’ look that was hot as hell. “What do you think?” she asked, biting her lip and smiling.

“You are edible.” I wrapped my arms around her waist and glanced at the bed. “Do you think we have time or…?”

Naomi laughed loudly, slapping my chest playfully. “We really don’t. I’m close to running late as it is. Save it for later, tiger.”

I pouted dramatically.

Naomi kissed me, nipping at my jutted bottom lip with her teeth, which just sent a blistering arousal through me. But I didn’t stop her from pulling away. I followed behind her as we left the room. Seeing her wearing the Old Lady cut filled me with pride and satisfaction. I couldn’t wait to get her alone again tonight.