“Would you stop being so pessimistic? I’d kill to be making doe-eyes at a sexy biker.”

“Don’t bikers treat women like crap?” I asked, voicing a fear that had been plaguing me. “I don’t know what’s true, and what I see on TV might be an exaggeration, but I guess I have this impression bikers cheat and rough-up their women.”

“That, I can’t tell you. I’m a bartender, so I have all the hot gossip, but no facts. As far as the gossip mill goes, I haven’t heard of any women complaining and there are plenty of them around that like to spend a night in a Rebel Saints’ bed.”

This might have been true, but I couldn’t be sure based on gossip. It would be best if I stayed away from Bones. Then I wouldn’t run the risk of falling in with a crowd of bikers who wouldn’t treat me with respect.

My radio cracked and my boss’s voice came over the line, “Harper, can you please come to my office.”

“Sure thing, Mr. Boyer,” I replied brightly, but I groaned as I headed to the elevators.

“He was just here, what could he possibly want?” Brianna wondered out loud as I passed.

A good question. Mr. Boyer was a nice man, but I found he had very high expectations. Sometimes they were unrealistic, like having two security guards cover a whole building, but he was as stubborn as any man I’d ever met.

I walked into his office while he was on the phone, so I took a seat and waited for him to be finished. My eyes trailed to the big, floor-to-ceiling windows. There were no curtains, so I took in the amazing view. I could see down the beach for miles when I looked out the window and I couldn’t help feeling a little jealous. He definitely had the best view in the hotel.

“Sorry about that,” Mr. Boyer said when he hung up the phone. “I wanted to have a word with you. I was reviewing the security footage from the incident downstairs and I was very impressed by the man you were with, the one that took down the perpetrator.”

Mr. Boyer pivoted his computer screen, so I could see as the scene played out before my eyes once again. I had to admit he was right. Bones had been amazing with his grace and athleticism.

“Who is this man?”

“Just a friend,” I answered too quickly. Now, it seemed like I was lying to hide something, but I wasn’t.

“A good friend? I notice he’s wearing a motorcycle club patch.”

“Yes … he’s a part of the Rebel Saints motorcycle club.”

“I think we should hire the club to act as extra security for the casino.”

So much for keeping my distance. “Sir? Are you sure about that?” I asked. “Couldn’t we add another guard to the regular rotation instead?”

“I think this will work out better. We can have one of them in the casino, all the time, incognito. I want you to get it done.”

I gulped. “Me?”

He gave me an impatient look, “You are the manager of the casino, right?”

I flinched. “Yes, sir. Of course.”

As I left the office moments later, my mind whirred. I had to track down Bones. Good thing I knew of a place he was bound to be at, sooner or later. I just had to work up the courage to return there.