“From who?”


“Gavin had a goat?”

“Yeah. He’s really wonderful if he lets you know him, but you always have to question how serious he is because he’s so quiet. Then you find out he’s not in as deep as you are, and it’s all been physical, and you’ve only been with one other person, and now you’re ruined and lost your best friend at the same time, and I don’t want to go back home, Robin.” My words are rushed and mixed with tears, but she nods as if she understands.

“You guys have whatever you want on the house. I’ll be right back.”

The Grayson brothers shake their heads. “No need, Robin, we just wanted to make sure she was safe. We’ll be getting back up the mountain. Have a nice evening, ladies.”

“I owe you guys so big. Robin, they saved our lives,” I blubber, kissing the top of Billy’s head.

She just smiles, waving goodbye to the men and leading me back to her office. The worn-out old blue couch has a mess of blankets.

“Did you sleep here?” I sniffle.

“Don’t you go worrying about me now? Tell me what happened, and if me and my shotgun need to have a heart-to-heart with your boyfriend.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” I shrug, settling into her blankets on the couch. Billy the Kid nuzzles into my armpit, not wanting to leave me, and my heart melts, needing all the affection I can get.

“What are you talking about? You guys have been inseparable since you came into town. Plus, I thought you guys were taking it to O-town like several times a day…”

“That’s the thing. I found this long-ass letter, and Robin, it was like he saw through me. Like he’s known how much I’ve loved him this whole time and used my secrets to hurt me. A part of me knows he’s been hurting, and it could have been his way to take out his pain on me, and he never sent the letter, but fuck…I will not be anyone’s punching bag.”

“I’m so sorry, Joey. I don’t know what exactly was in the letters, but I’m so sorry you had to read them.”

“Then, as I was leaving, my Jeep went over the edge of the mountain after I hit the Graysons.”

“Well fuck. I’m so glad you’re alive!” She hugs me. Her spicy perfume fills my nose, comforting me. “This day can go suck a donkey dick. How about I grab some ice cream and root beer, and we spike our floats with whiskey and forget our troubles? I’ll close up for the night, and you and me can just chill with your smelly goat friend.”

I laugh, even though I want to defend Billy’s smell. “Deal.”