“It's not like that. We’re just friends. Well, hopefully still friends after I bombard him with this unexpected visit.”

“Wait. He doesn’t know you’re here? Where are you staying?”

I shake my head. “No to the first part, and I don’t know to the second. My Jeep, I guess, until I can find a place to rent. And eventually, I’m going to need to find work. The life savings of a mechanic are surprisingly small. Plus, I’m still working up the courage to introduce myself,” I say, sinking against the counter, readying myself for her judgment.

“Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me you just up and moved here, with no place to stay, let alone a job, and have never met this man? Girl, what were you thinking coming here like this? How have you not met?”

“We’re pen pals. We’ve been writing to each other since a class assignment seventeen years ago. I hadn’t heard from him in a couple of weeks, and his last letter was intense, sad, and so final. It took me three days to get everything squared with my family. Then I packed my Jeep. I didn’t stop to think about a plan until I hit the highway.”

“Wow. That's crazy. I totally dig it, though. I secretly, not so secretly, hope y’all fall in love.”

The heart-eyes she’s giving me make me laugh.

“There is no way that's happening. As you said, you know how Gavin is.”

“I don’t know…something tells me you’re different.”