“Ok, bye.” She laughs, clearly uncomfortable.

I roll my eyes. “When is it?”

“No.” He grumbles, but if Gavin really thinks I moved here just for him, he is sadly mistaken. Wounded heart or not, I don’t take orders, and I promised myself to do more things outside my comfort zone. Everything about Robin is out of my comfort zone, even though I love her already.

“I guess it’ll just be me then,” I say, standing taller, making my point very clear.

“Joey.” His tone is warning.

“So, I’m just going to go…” Robin says, slowly backing away. “The battle’s at the bar tonight around nine..., Joey. Would love to buy you a beer.

“You’re evil,” I reply, squinting at my former new friend.

She just cackles, turning and crossing the street.

The ogre beside me grumbles something I miss, and my attention snaps back, reminding me that he’s still keeping something from me.

“We don’t have secrets,” I snarl at him.

His posture instantly rights with a growl, and that strong glare pins me in place. Embarrassment over being so turned on by his growl paints my cheeks. Intense heat rushes to my core, and I’ll be damned, I fucking wet my panties.

Then he grins.

Fuck me. Does he know what he’s doing to me?

I clear my throat expectantly. Crossing my arms so he knows I’m not backing down easily.

The former growly bear softens in front of my eyes.

“You’re right. I have been keeping a secret, but I’m not sure you want to know this one.”

Emotion I never expected laces his voice, and it almost pains me.

“If it’s about you, I want to know. You don’t have to tell me here in the middle of town, but I didn’t move here, so you could give me two-word answers to shit and run out of places without me.”

“I’m sorry, Joey. I acted like a jackass.”

That very rare smile is back on his handsome scruffy face, and I can’t help but smile back. We’re good. Whatever the secret is, our friendship will survive. I just have a feeling.

* * *

“Ladies and Gents,it’s with the greatest pleasure that I introduce this year’s battle of the beards!” Robin yells into a microphone, kicking off a bellow of screams from the rowdy crowd. Men with varying lengths of facial hair step up to the stage.

Pour Decisions is packed with locals and tourists alike. And here I thought only my corky little town celebrated silly things like World Beard Day.

Gavin grabs my hand, guiding me through the crowd until we get to a booth. The gesture means more to me than he knows and gives me the added courage to take off my jacket. It’s nothing huge, like a sexy dress and heels, but I’m wearing a fucking push-up bra, which is new to me. It makes me feel sexy, and my boobs look awesome.

All afternoon I’d thought about it. Gavin and I never talked about boyfriends or girlfriends, but I always suspected he had had dozens of girls through the years. Just the thought made me irrationally jealous, and honestly, my biggest fear is that he only sees me as a friend, not a woman.

But fuck it. I’m brave now; I came all this way. He didn’t kick me out, so I put on the damn push-up bra under a black tank top. A simple rose gold chain with a wrench and another longer chain with a blue butterfly hangs around my neck. I’ve always loved butterflies, but it’s probably the only girlie thing about me growing up, so I never told anyone but Gavin.

I take a deep breath as he settles into his seat and waves to the girl behind the bar. He’s wearing a sexy navy blue button-down that hugs every rippling muscle. He trimmed his beard, and it shines with oil that smells musky and good enough to eat.

My panties were instantly wet when I opened the guest room door to leave. I felt way underdressed. It’s like, for the first time in my life, I wish I had been dressed to the tens like the heroines in romantic comedies who had a glamourous makeover, and when the hero takes one look at her coming down the stairs, boom, he knows he loves her. Granted, that’s dramatic, but this is that epic moment for me…here goes nothing.

My jacket falls down my shoulders, and a cool breeze blows against my skin. Gavin’s eyes widen, and his jaw flexes with tension as goosebumps erupt on my skin. I press my luck and put my elbows on the table, pushing my boobs together, on full display for him. Nervously, I chew my lip, hoping he’ll say something. He still hasn’t told me his secret, but I can tell he’s trying. I caught him pacing the porch waving his hands around like he was trying to explain something. It did nothing to help the growing crush I’m harboring, and maybe tonight, I can push just a little, just to see if he might actually be interested without demolishing my heart.