Page 38 of Unshakable

Visibly unsatisfied with this argument, Dad grumbles, “Let’s just show the damn video, son, and get it over with.”

I lean sideways and croon into Angélique’s ear, “Last chance, angel. You can still run away with your tail between your legs. Or you can stay and stick this one out.” I waggle my eyebrows and she taps my nose.

“Since I don’t have a tail, I guess I’ll stay.” Her voice sounds amused, practically bold, but when I challenge her by briefly brushing my mouth on hers, she pulls back immediately, flushed cheeks and neck.Gorgeous. Around us there’s wave of muffled snickers and I pull her closer, grinning like the fucking Cheshire Cat. Perhaps she didn’t mean it like that, but she’s mine now.

Freaking Hotel California, baby.

“Are you finished, bro?” Connor smirks and this time I’m the one feeling slightly flushed. Only a little though, I’m feeling too damn proud to be embarrassed. Of her. I give him a thumbs up and a grin.

“All right,” Connor says, “I’m going to share my screen so you can see the email we received.”

As we all watch the video in which two young men are standing with their faces against the wall of a dirty storage unit, the room turns cold. Their hands are bound with chains and blood’s dripping down their faces. Angélique gasps in my grip and I pull her even closer as if to shelter her from any harm. Only this harm comes from my family as we pile up layers of dirt.

On the video, Dad walks into full view and we hear a tinny version of his voice as he speaks directly to the boys.

“Andriy and Bohdan Kotova. Talk to me. You got caught inourneighborhood. And when we simply wanted to talk to you, you ran. Let us chase you all over the East Village. And then you had the indecency to yell at us. To telluswhere to shove it.”

I narrow my eyes and ponder out loud, “By the looks of the angle, the camera was placed on the ceiling, facing down to register any movement from the far end of the storage unit. Why place a camera in a box that’s as good as deserted?”

“Because of this,” Connor mumbles. The loud echo of five shots are so intense that they fill the room as if we ourselves are in the actual storage unit. Angélique lets out a soft cry. The two brothers are now lying face down in a puddle of their own blood. The camera follows Dad, who’s still carrying the gun, identifying him unmistakably as the executioner.

“Fuckers were actually filming us?” I choke. That creeps the hell out of me. I can live with security cameras, but have they proactively been searching to set us up? “What do these motherfuckers want? And why now?”

Connor opens the full email. “This.”


The room falls so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

Dad looks around the table. “Despite your visit to Charlie, are we absolutely sure that this isn’t about his case?” I’m caught in utter disbelief. This is justridiculous. My eyes find Mason’s and we glance at each other in full surprise. I say, “We spoke to Charlie after the first incident and we ruled him out. Guy was as shocked as we were.”

“So, what are they referring to?” Mom insists, her voice calm.

“We’re not sure,” Connor admits. “That’s why we’ve started digging up all our dirt to find the right clue. Jayden?”

Jaden coughs. “Yes. I traced back all the legal cases you worked on over the last two years, Logan. Since we’re on high alert, I took down the paper files that raised my attention, rather than consulting the digital ones.” He spreads the folders on the table for everyone to see, then starts to pick them up one by one as he explains each legal scenario. I recognize most of them, although if I remember correctly, these are all plain corporate legal affairs with no hidden agenda. Does that asshole think that I don’t do my work properly?

I knock my chair over as I get up. “This is bullshit.” I get to Jayden and snatch the files out of his shaking hand. “Who the hell do you think you are?” I growl. “You think I don’t know how to do my job? Is that what you’re saying?” Jayden coughs and avoids my gaze, staring back at the screen instead.

“Bro, come on,” Connor soothes and he’s right, I know he’s right, but I’m fucking pissed. I brush a hand through my hair in an attempt to calm myself.

“Sorry, you’re right.” I give Jayden a small smile. “I just thought that these were clean cases, you know? There’s no way that any of these companies, A,knowabout The Business, and B, have any reason to frame us.”

“I know. But we need to start somewhere,” Jayden says. He’s right. But still.

“What about The Void? We know they are behind this. Do we know someone,anyone, who’s connected to them?” Silence. I know the answer. Motherfuckers.

“Ok, so we’re back to square one?” Dad stands up and walks toward the wine cabinet. “I’m getting too old for this,” he mumbles as he takes out another bottle.

“Not yet,” Connor counters. “While Jayden’s working the cases, I’m trying to identify the IP address. But bro, instead of growling like a lion, please take another look. It’s the only solid lead we have at this stage.” I huff, but do as he says. With my arms full of papers, I stagger back to my seat.

“Let’s take a break.” Mom announces and as she stands, it’s like we all get to breathe. The guys chat in soft, strained voices, stretch their muscles and leave the room for a cigarette break. Harry and Nolan walk over to Dad in the living room and have their wine glasses filled as they speak in hushed voices. Jayden’s bending over his computer, earplugs in, as he continues work with Connor. My gaze goes back to the paperwork in my hand. “No. No. No.” I drop file after file on the table with a theatrical sigh.

“I didn’t know you were such a baby, Mr. Donnelly,” Angélique teases softly in my ear. My dick notices immediately that we’re practically alone in the dining room.

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Such a hothead.” Her lips brush my neck ever so slightly, sending a shiver down my spine.