Page 29 of Unshakable

“Why don’t we take a time out and let Jayden do his job. I’ve got a few other pressing matters now that you’re here,” Dad suggests. “We found another guy who’s got a small business with his brother, buying and renovating houses, mostly in Yonkers. Better still, they’ve asked us to invest in the purchase of their projects, which we’ve agreed to. So, the new girls who arrived last night are staying there. Weren’t you supposed to meet them last night?”

I blink and search for a casual reply.

“Right,” Dad roams my face. “You’ll do it tonight. Unless the shit hits the fan with this wacko putting his threats into action, you’ll go to the bar and check out the goods tonight for inspection. And Logan—” Dad gives me a firm stare. “No more delays and no delegation.Youwill do this as leader of The Business.”

“But—” I stumble. How does he know that I asked Mason and Ella to go and do it for me? The fuck I want to be with those bitches. I breathe in through my nose. My eyes flicker to my bodyguard. Is he a snitch? But Mason shares my surprised look and gives me a hesitant smile and an understanding shrug. I return his smile reluctantly and glare back at Dad. “All right.”

“Good. That’s all from my side. Is it time to phone Connor yet?” Dad stands up and walks toward his wine cabinet to take out a bottle of red wine.

Mom checks her watch and signals Maria to come through with a tray of plates. “Let’s have an early lunch first and let our son sleep some more. It’s still early across the Atlantic. Some of us actuallysleep.” Her eyes meet mine. “We’re all a bit tense and tired and we only had some muffins early this morning. Then we’ll call Connor and tell him about the blackmail. Hopefully Jayden will have figured out who the email came from so we can share that information with him.” She starts helping Maria to put all the plates on the table at exactly the same time Harry, Samuel, and Big enter the living room. While Samuel gives Mason a fist bump and drops into the chair next to him, Harry strides over to Dad and gives him a gentle pat on the shoulder.

“Good day to y’all,” Big’s low, casual voice fills the room. I watch how the fucker comes in with his casual swagger as he makes his way to Mom. He gives her a slight bow of the head, a strange gesture I never understood, although Big has been doing it since he started working for Mom over ten years ago.

“Ma’am.” He takes a chair and goes to sit down, but I get to him first.

“The fuck, Big?” I spit, facing him full on, scowling. The big guy stares back, wide-eyed and an incredulous look on his face.


“Where did you find that damn girl?”

Big, visibly untouched by the threatening tone in my voice, takes his time sitting down on his chair, before he picks up the beer that Maria passes him. He savors the moment, pulling it to his lips and takes a big sip, his eyes never leaving mine. As he wipes off his mouth with his hand, mine ball into fists. “Why, was she that good?” His taunt is all I need to lose it. I lunge and punch him right in the face. He collapses and falls to the floor together with his chair. The can of beer flies across the room until it crashes against the wall, leaving a puddle of liquid on the floor. He gets up, his hand against the cheek is already showing a red bruise. “What the fuck, bro? D’you wanna start a massacre? On a Christian day like Sunday?”

“Christian day?” I sneer. “As ifyouare religious, motherfucker.” He makes a show of pulling up the chair and sinks right back into it. “No, butsheis.” He turns his face and sends Mom a look that I can’t quite grasp. Triumph?

“Fuck you,” I spit. I take another step forward and pull him up by his collar until our faces are only inches apart. “It’s a simple question, isn’t it?” I hiss. “Where. The. Fuck. Did. You. Find. Her?” Before I can launch for a second punch, a loud voice rumbles through the room.

“Enough!” Mom’s standing with her hands on her hips and her big eyes are wide and angry. “I willnottolerate you fighting amongst each other.Ever. We are family, for Christ’s sake. You hear me?” I clench my jaw as my gaze goes from Big to Mom. “Let’s just eat, all right? Let’s spend a moment in peace with our own people.”

I sit down, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with embarrassment.

Look at what you made me do.



“Shine your light on someone else who could use some strength”

Iwake up, still feeling dreamy. Last night was amazing.

So,hesays that he’s the heir to a large family-run criminal organization in New York? It feels like some fancy Netflix series. However, that explains how he got into my hotel room. Barging into someone else’s room, that is illegal, right?

I yawn and stretch my arms and legs in a silent plea to fully wake up. This bed is so very comfortable. If I could, I’d move the entire room plus the bathroom to my own home.

My hand roams the space next to me. It’s cold, but I’m not surprised that he didn’t spend the night.

He. The guy whose name I still don’t know after two hookups. One technically, I can’t call Friday a hookup as I was kind of out of it. Though itwasamazing. And last night….

But Christ, the guy possesses little to no social skills. I roll my eyes at the memory of our so-called conversation. Perhaps that makes two of us, cause the only way we seem to open up to each other is through some twisted game. I sigh. He really is hot and cold, this secret lover of mine. Fire and ice.

I roll onto my side, switch on the bedside lamp and grab my phone to check the time. Actually, he only left about three hours ago, so I’m not surprised I feel so tired. My eyes automatically find the other phone. The one Wyatt gave me. It feels surreal. This whole thing.

I prop the pillows behind my back and take the phone in my hand, allowing my fingers to play with its shape and texture as if I need to get used to a strange object. The phone has two saved contacts. I grin as I see the name MisterMister. No prizes for guessing who that is. The other one is simply registered as Wyatt. Before I can change my mind, I drop him a text, before putting my phone on vibration mode and shoving it in my handbag.

Apart from the contacts, the phone is empty which makes me feel strangely disappointed. Though, what did I expect? Right, let’s take another one of those ridiculously luxurious showers, the last one for this weekend.

I feel confused. Tired. Excited about today, but sad to leave. Afraid of what’s to come, eager to change my future. Desperate to seehimagain.