Carter nods in earnest. “I can do that.”
I stroke him under his chin. “Good boy, I knew I could count on you. If you do this well, then perhaps, in the future, you can do some more jobs for me. Hm?” He nods again, this time without conviction. I grin before I turn. “Harry, Samuel, take Carter home.”
“Yes, boss,” they mumble in unison and grab both sides of the man, who now merely hangs in their grip. He finds the strength though to lift his head and stares at me with a murderous glare. “Fuck you, Logan Donnelly.”
My grin widens into a big smile and I shake my head. “You really should have gone back to Philly to work in your daddy’s firm when you had the chance.”
I must have fallen asleep, because when I open my eyes with a start, I’m sitting in my parents’ living room. No clue how long I’ve been out, but looking around me, nothing has changed. Mom’s still chatting away in the kitchen and Dad and Angélique are still talking. I haven’t fallen asleep like this for ages. Come to think of it, don’t think I ever have. Too many thoughts like to nestle in my mind when it’s supposed to be taking a break. Not tonight though.
Mom comes walking toward her chair in the lounge area, phone in her hand, her face glowing happily.
“How’s Philippe?” I ask.
“Good. It was so nice to speak to your uncle again. He’s given me some names of relatives who live in Guadeloupe. Jerry!” She plops down next to me as her eyes search and find Dad standing at the wine cabinet. Both he and Angélique are flicking through what looks like this huge wine encyclopedia me and Con gave him years ago for Father’s Day. I’m actually relieved to see them like that. I asked Mom to skip the calibrated questions tonight, and instead find some common ground with Angélique. I don’t know why. I guess that a part of me is afraid that she might run if she feels too uncomfortable. However, it’s just me and Mom now, and I recognize the glint when she turns to face me. “How did you guys meet?” Her grin is devilish and I feel kind of embarrassed.
“I’ll give you the filtered version.”
She laughs. “Okay.”
I open my mouth to speak, but I’m not sure what to say. Come to think of it, I have questions myself. Big never really explained how he found her. “So…” I stare from Angélique back to Mom and try to shrug it off. “Big found her. She was…” Fuck, I can’t say it. It feels so wrong. Mom taps my knee gently and gives me a smile.
“I know.”
“She was—wait, what?” My brows furrow. “What?”
Mom sighs. “Don’t be angry with me. I was worried about you, honey. Very much. And with Connor being far away and time ticking toward your takeover, I asked Big to look out for someonespecial.” We both look at Angélique in silence. I say nothing, my brain’s empty. “When he came back from his vacation to Paris, he texted me to let me know that he had found someone he thought was suitable.
“Suitable? For what?” I grind my teeth. For being chained up against my wall?
“Suitable for you.” Mom turns and stares at me, a glint of sadness in her eyes. “I felt kind of desperate, you were so hostile toward women.”
“So, you wanted to perform some old-fashioned match-making?” I snarl and get out of my chair. My head starts pounding and I feel confused. “Does she know? Did she agree to this bullshit?”
Mom shakes her head and stands up as well. She’s a proud woman, but small. Her head is no higher than my collarbone. “Of course not, sweetheart. The rest is all as it was presented to you. A weekend with a woman who—”
“Was supposedly an escort?”
Mom opens her mouth, then closes it again. I want her to explain what the hell she was thinking, but instead she turns, and we both see my angel approaching. “Why don’tyoutell us, Angélique?”
“Oh no…” I sneer, feeling embarrassed, disgraced, and angry. I need to get out of here. But before I make it to the door, I hear her voice. “I met Big on the plane. We chatted a bit. Later on, we saw each other on the subway going downtown. He invited me for a coffee in the restaurant car.” I turn back. I’d expected her to be angry, or upset. Or sad, oranything. Instead, she looks at me with a blank stare and I realize she’s being careful not to hurt my feelings. My chest flutters. “I was confused too.” Her voice is barely a whisper and she sends me a soft smile. “I was afraid, that first night. That’s why I got you talking. Pretty much the same for the second night, I guess.” She shrugs and her smile widens. “I hope you at least told your mother about all the historical facts I taught you?” I laugh at the memory and shake my head.
“Oops, forgot.”
She grins, before her eyes go serious again. “I had no idea what had just happened, but I knew I didn’t want it to end. You…”
I take a few steps toward her. “Yeah,” I mumble. “The same for me. When I found out you were no escort, I wanted to kill Big. Now I’m grateful, because he brought you to me.” I ignore Mom’s gasp and instead put my arms around Angélique’s neck and pull her into my arms. Her smell and voice are intoxicating. I’ll never be able to get enough of her. The thought is like a volcano that bursts, dropping streams of lava through all my limbs, burning my thumping heart as the realization startles me.
“I’d like to look after the girls in the club,” she mumbles against my neck.
I pull back and eye her warily. “Are you sure? Those b—“
She puts af finger to my lips. “Don’t you dare. They areladies, and your key to success. The least you can do is treat them right. Don’t you think?”
“Think it’s a great idea!” Mom interrupts with a big smile on her face.
“Okay,” I surrender, again. What is this woman doing to me?