Fucking Cindy. He was tempted to quit in protest, but he knew that wouldn’t accomplish anything. They’d both be out of the job then, and he made pretty good money. So, if need be, he could support her, give her everything she needed. He reached down and stroked her face lightly.As if she would accept that.
He laid down again staring around her room, brightening with the morning light as the minutes slipped by. Lena breathed heavily next to him in her sleep, seemingly exhausted by the events of the previous day and night combined.
Looking over at her again, he racked his brain for places she could work. He’d known that a corporate place like the resort wasn’t the place for her. Maybe she could get a job at the Golden Carafe? What better place for Lena than an artsy local coffee shop?
A loud bang shook him out of brainstorming career paths, and they both jumped straight up in bed as a loud and familiar voice rang through the room.
“Holy. Shit.” Morgan yelled the words with the full force of her strong, melodic voice. “Annie, get your ass in here! Tell me if I’m imagining things.”
Jake looked up to see Morgan standing in Lena’s doorway wearing a short, silky nightgown. Annie came skittering behind her in an oversized t-shirt, and let out a loud scream before she slapped her hand over her mouth.
“You’re not imagining things, Morgan,” Annie screeched excitedly as she started flailing her hands up and down and jumping. “Lena and Jake are in bed together, and they’re naked!” She screeched the last word as she jumped into Morgan’s arms and they held each other in the doorway, screeching, hugging, and crying.
“In your face!” Morgan screamed when they separated. “I knew it!”
“Oh my god, this has been a journey, Morg, but I’m so happy it ended this way. I really am.” Annie was wiping tears from her eyes as she embraced Morgan again and they laugh-cried in each other’s arms for a good thirty seconds before they pulled away to look appreciatively at Lena and Jake, sitting upright in bed with their eyes wide open and their mouths agape.
“What is going on?” Lena asked, her voice still rough with sleep as she held up the blanket to her chest.
“Well,” started Morgan giddily, stepping further into the room. “Annie and I have had this bet—”
“Okay.” Lena interrupted Morgan who stopped speaking, although her face still held a mischievous look. “Never mind. I don’t want to hear it…it’s…too early for this.” She pressed her face in her hands and giggled a little deliriously, before peeking up at Jake. “Make them go,” she mouthed with a smile.
“Get out and close the door, Morgan,” Jake said bluntly. He knew from experience the best way to get her to do what you want was to avoid beating around the bush. When she didn’t move, Jake started to get up to herd them out, but remembered he was naked and paused pulling the blanket back up.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Morgan held one hand up to her eyes and put the other hand in front of Annie’s eyes. “You’re taken now, Jake, and I have a feeling Lena doesn’t share.”
“Then get out,” he emphasized forcibly before they finally tumbled out the bedroom door, letting out more shrieks as they walked down the hall and down the stairs.
“Well, I guess that cat’s out of the bag,” Lena mumbled as she fell back in bed and pulled the covers over her head.
“Now they just need to find out I was fired,” she said, her voice muffled by the blanket. “And they’ll be all caught up.”
“Hey,” he said, pulling the blanket off her face. “We talked about this—you’re going to find a new job. But today’s Sunday, so there’s nothing you can do. We can hang out today, and then you can get to work tomorrow.”
“Yes,” she said with a grateful smile. “That is a very sensible plan. Thank you…for everything,” she finished with a blush.
“What do you want you to do today?” Jake asked as he laid down on his side next to her, running his hands up and down the smooth curve of her waist.
“You want to hang out?” Lena asked tentatively, looking up at him as she inched closer.
“Yeah, I’ve got the day off and you’re unemployed, so why not,” he laughed.
“True.” She smiled as she nestled closer to him and rubbed her hands up and down his chest. “Maybe we can get coffee first? I want to brainstorm places to look for a job before I finish my mural proposal…it’s…due…tomorrow…” The final words in her thought trailed off when he reached down and kissed the spot below her ear, his hand gliding down her waist again to grab hold of her ass.
“Were you already awake?” She continued talking distractedly. “Or did Morgan wake you up?” She let out a choked giggle as his fingers grazed between her legs.
“I was awake…doing a little career brainstorming of my own.” Jake said the words into her neck as he dipped a finger inside of her resulting in a sweet little moan that wrapped around him like a vise.
“Oh yeah? So you weren’t just staring at me like a creeper?” she asked as she looped her leg around his waist and started grinding her wet heat against him rhythmically.
Jake growled as Lena’s soft body pressed against him. He moved his hand down her ass and pulled her up against him, finding her wet and pliant as he peppered her neck with soft kisses.
“I was doing a little of that, too,'' he admitted in a choked voice into her neck as he pushed her onto her back and climbed on top of her, entering her in a swift motion. She let out a short, choked sound as she arched backward, baring her neck to him.
“This might be a quick one,” he reluctantly admitted to her in a gruff voice as her wet heat wrapped around him and he thrust into her body. Looking down at her laying below him, her eyes closed in pleasure, her body prone and pliant, Jake was left dumbstruck, as he had been the other times they’d had sex, that she actually wanted to be doing this with him.
As predicted, it was a quick one, but neither of them were complaining as they laid together in the quiet aftermath. Jake felt content and at ease as he toyed with Lena’s hair. He could hear the sounds of Morgan and Annie chatting downstairs as pots, pans, and plates clanged, and the smell of bacon wafted into the room.