Things moved very quickly then as his lips came down on hers again and Lena pulled at the waistband of his underwear impatiently, yanking it down in a messy, uncoordinated fashion.
When they both finally managed to get him free of them, Lena got a quick look at his thick length before his body was back down on top of hers. They were both completely naked now, and her body woke up from its orgasmic exhaustion as she reveled in feeling his body flush with hers.
She spread her legs wide for him and leaned back as his hands came down to her breasts again. Laying there, prone and waiting for him, she felt him reach down, grab hold of himself, and thrust into her in one deep motion.
They both gasped in unison at the contact and he rose up on one hand and looked down at her. She’d never seen his eyes this intense. He held her eyes as he grabbed her thigh with the hand he wasn’t using to hold himself up and began thrusting into her. Lena felt herself pulsing against the motion as he hit the perfect spot deep inside of her with each thrust, and she groaned as the familiar sensation started building inside of her again.
“You feel so good,” he mumbled between grunts.
Lena whimpered in response, finally turning her head to look away from him. Jake lowered his body to mold on top of hers again as he started pounding into her in a less artful manner, losing the refined nature of his movements and embracing the Viking marauder side of himself. Lena arched her back against him, pulling up a leg as he continued to hit her deep inside.
Finally, she flexed her inner muscles around him and he let out choked sound as he climaxed inside of her. She felt his warmth flood her as his strong body convulsed on top of hers, helpless and spent.
He pulled himself out of her and moved his body to lay beside her. With her eyes still closed, she felt him next to her. She turned her head and opened her eyes to see him lying on his side with his head on his arm.
Turning to completely face him, Lena reached her hand to rest on his hairy cheek just as she had in the water. He smiled at her, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight.
“You be careful,” he warned her, lightly. “That’s what got us into this position.”
She laughed at him, and looked at him with open-mouthed amazement as he rose before giving her one last appraising look. He walked naked over to the edge of the stone, surveying the waterfall and sparkling pool of blue before diving into the water in one, smooth motion.
“Oh man,” Lena sighed as she watched his lithe , muscular body dive into the water, and his smiling face come up above the surface with a mischievous look. Well, if I wasn’t infatuated with him before, I sure as hell am now, she thought ruefully.
“Come on, cliff diver!” he shouted at her. “The water feels great!”
Rising from the boulder, naked and sticky, Lena thought that was probably a good idea as she, for the second time that day, ran to the edge of the pool and cannon balled into the cold water.
Chapter 16
Aneasysmilerestedon Jake's face as his heavy footsteps hit the asphalt at the winding bottom of the Kodiak trail. The setting sun colored the sky above in bright oranges and pinks, while the wooded path they walked down was darkening with long evening shadows. Lena laughed loudly in his ear from where she hung on to his back.
“All I’m saying is that if I’d known your favorite band was…The String Cheese Incident,” she bit out in a voice tinged with humor. “I would have maybe rethought the whole sex-on-a-rock thing.”
“Jam bands are thebestbands,” he argued with a smiling fervor. “You’re the one who says that music should always evoke strong emotion. What’s more emotional than an off-the-cuff, six minute banjo solo?”
“Ugh.” Jake could hear the wince in her voice. “Just, no, Jake. I’m so sorry to break it to you, but that sounds like hell. Banjos are fine in moderation, but a six minute solo of any one instrument is too much for a single song.”
He chuckled appreciatively as they continued down the path. Sure, he was carrying a full grown woman and two full backpacks—one on his front and the other on Lena’s back—but Jake felt as light as the day he was born.
After he and Lena had gone skinny dipping in the Sapphire Falls pool, they’d sunbathed naked on their boulder, sharing a lunch of protein bars and water. Jake had eventually fallen into a nap in the shade, while Lena sketched before she’d woken him up by laying her soft curvy body atop his and sprinkling his jaw with light kisses.
One thing had led to another, and well, now he could say he’d had sextwicein the last year. Although he thought it may have something to do with his dry spell, he couldn’t really think of any time that sex had been as good for him as it had been with Lena. There was no awkwardness or uncertainty. They’d both known what the other needed—that was something he couldn’t say he’d ever experienced with past partners.
After they’d finished round two, they’d left Sapphire Falls and walked for a mile or two before Lena joked she couldn’t walk another step.Jake had responded by swinging his backpack to his chest and hoisting her on his back where she’d been for the past two miles.
They’d passed a couple hikers on the trail who gave them odd looks as he tripped down the mountain with her and their backpacks in tow, both of them giving the passersby hearty and unappreciated greetings. They’d been at the height of obnoxiousness, deliriously laughing as they compared notes on favorite movies and music. Unsurprisingly, they didn’t seem to like any of the same things, but that didn’t really seem to matter much anymore.
Usually his outdoor activities were focused on pushing himself physically, and this had been a relatively easy day exercise-wise—despite carrying Lena the past few miles. However, Jake could honestly say this was the best day of his life.
He’d never felt this alive, this giddy merely from experiencing life with someone. Today made all the skiing, mountain biking, and bungee jumping endorphins he’d experienced feel like blips on the radar. They were nothing compared to the rush he got just from being in Lena’s presence; as cheesy as that was for him to admit to himself.
As they reached the bottom of the mountain, though, he started to wonder how this would work in the real world. Sure, they’d been pussyfooting toward a flirtation—was it only yesterday that he’d been contemplating asking her on a date?—but the past twenty four hours had pushed everything forward in turbo speed. He was happy being with her, but unsure how to proceed. He’d never really been the wooing type, so this felt like unknown territory.
“Oh, I see cars!” Lena pointed her finger past Jake’s face to the parked cars through the trees a few yards ahead.
“Finally,” Jake said with an exaggerated groan.“I’m not sure how much longer I can carry this load.”
“Hey!” Lena smacked him playfully on the shoulder. I told you I could walk but you insisted on carrying me. Who am I to turn down a free ride?”