Page 19 of Fight

She focused a serious look on her face. “What are you talking about? I’m always funny.”

He chuckled and rose to his feet. “Come on, Helena, let’s get back out there. We’ve got to wrap this party up. We’vebothgot work tomorrow.” He reached his hand down to help her up.

She nodded and grabbed his hand. Her hand was soft and small in his and he resisted the urge to pull her body against his. They paused for a beat before she turned to head into the house, and he automatically rested his hand on the small of her back leading her through the door. The tank top she wore was smooth and he could feel the heat of her back through the material. A sound caught in her throat as she turned and gave him a nervous smile before turning toward the door. Before she opened it though, she stopped abruptly.

“Hey, Jake,” she said as she turned to face him.

“Hey, Lena,” he returned, using the nickname that everyone but him called her. A surprised smile blossomed on her face.

She took a deep breath. “Can I—I mean can we—can I have your phone number? We are neighbors andfriendsafter all.”

He pulled his head back, startled. That’s not what he’d expected to come out of her mouth. “You want my number?”

“Yeah, I figure I have that jerk Daniel’s number, I may as well have that jerk Jake's number, too.” She laughed nervously and shifted on her feet.

“What's your number?” he asked as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. She rattled off the numbers and he input them into his phone sending her a winking face emoji. “Just texted you.”

She chortled out a “thanks” and went into rabbit mode again as she pulled open the screen and bounded into the house. Seconds later, he heard the back door open and close as she made her way out back to the fire. Jake blew out a deep breath before pushing open the screen door and following her.

Chapter 7

AsJakeopenedthedoor and walked down the front steps to the driveway, he saw Ian was already outside, talking with Annie and sipping coffee through an insulated cup. The street in front of their houses was dark and shadowed, but he could see faint splashes of pink and orange in the distance as the sun made its way through the sky.

Morgan came out of her house at the same time as him and looked around taking a deep breath of morning air. “Hey, sexy!” she called out to him across the yard. “You snuck out early this morning,” she added provocatively.

“Ugh, god, Morgan. It’s too early.” Ian groaned from where he stood with Annie, causing Annie to giggle as she looked between Jake and Morgan.

Morgan smiled and walked over to Jake. “I just love messing with him,” she admitted. “He makes it so fun.”

“Go easy on him. He's sensitive.” Jake laughed. He and Morgan always had a fun, flirty banter, but it was never serious. They just both spoke the same language and they both loved Ian. While there were always innuendos and flirting between them, he knew they were on the same page.

Thinking of someone he knew hewasn’ton the same page with, he sighed. “Where’s Helena?”

“She should be out in a minute. She got up even earlier than me to take a shower.”

Jake groaned and rolled his eyes. Did she know how dirty and sweaty she would get hiking Fallen Leaf? “You told her what to expect with this, right? I’m not going to carry her through this trail. It’s hard work, not a walk in the park.”

“Of course, Jake. Lena's a cool girl. Just because she isn’t a carbon copy of every other girl you’ve checked out in your life doesn’t mean she can’t hack it.”

“What? I haven’t checked her out.” Fear and embarrassment that he’d been found out bubbled inside of him.

“Please. Who do you think you’re talking to?” Morgan scoffed at him and walked over to where Annie and Ian stood.

Morgan and Ian each carried sleek, expensive looking camping backpacks and sturdy boots. Having camped and hiked with both of them before, he knew they had dependably packed what they would need for a day like this.

Annie’s backpack, while not as pricey looking as Morgan’s and Ian’s, looked large and he saw hiking poles poking out of the top and a sleeping pad rolled up and attached to the bottom. Her boots looked well worn and comfortable.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, guys!” At long last, Helena came bounding out the front door.

Jake’s jaw dropped as he took in Lena’s appearance. Her long hair was pulled back in two french braids that laid evenly on the back of her head. With her hair pulled back from her face, along with her pink cheeks and bright eyes, she looked fresh-faced and young. The smile on her lips flashed small straight, white teeth.

She looked like a damn adorable wood nymph and Jake felt the urge to pull her to him and wrap his hands around her head and lift her up to kiss her. Overwhelmed by that image and the feelings it provoked, he huffed out a heavy breath reminiscent of a bull and did the second best thing to kissing her: he shouted at her.

“What the hell are you wearing? And what kind of shoes are those?”

Lena looked down at her body. “A romper,” she said slowly like he was an idiot. “And these are tennis shoes.” She poked one foot in the air to show off a shoe.

“We won’t be playing tennis.” Jake grit his teeth in frustration.