Bond leaned his forearms on the stage, looking at me. “I’ll bet being out here again feels great.”

I took the steps off the stage two at a time. “Yeah, it feels great. But let’s get out of here.”

I have to tell Cota. Did I really just want to call and tell him first?

“I found a partner.” I texted instead of calling.

“And here I thought I was your partner.” He joked.

“I’m going home. When are you home?”

“I’m at Sawyer’s penthouse. Come up when you get here. Jade said she has wedding stuff to do and could use your help.”

“See you soon.”

That night we sat around talking and looking at wedding stuff. The housekeeper had made dinner for us and I managed to get a quick shower before I joined them. I told them about my new partner and played the music for them.

“I really need to get to bed. I want to start early tomorrow. Sadly, I am out of practice.” I stood, trying to hide a yawn.

The next two weeks took on a routine. I’d do yoga in the morning then practice until lunch time. After a few days, Matt and I would have lunch together since Cota wasn’t coming to the theatre every day. Bond stayed close by. On occasion he joined us for a bite to eat. I invited him to make it more proper for a married woman. In the evenings, Cota and I would have a quiet meal in the penthouse and discuss the day’s events. Cota would tell me all about his new designs and the plans to get going on the island. I found myself wondering if I would ever get to see it completed as my year was already three months gone.

“I’ve been watching practice. It looks fantastic,” Bond said on the drive to the theatre. “How do you feel about it?”

“I’m feeling good. Matt is doing a fine job, not the level I am accustomed to, but he is doing well.” I frowned. “Now I sound like Yury. How awful of me. I would not wish that man on anyone.”

“I would think it’s all he knows. Have you thought about going back to dancing after this?” He looked at me from the rearview mirror. “The smile you have every day now says you love what you do.”

“Oh, Bond, I very, very much love dancing, especially now without the abuse from Yury. But how do I continue? He will always be a threat and I cannot go back to Russia.”

“Give it time Sabrina. Yury will forget about you and torture someone else.”

“Is there any way for me to be in touch with the other dancers, my friends?” I leaned back and closed my eyes. “So often I see their faces and I worry about them. They were like siblings to me.”

“I can have someone check up on them and slip them an email address, if you’d like.” He turned the car into the theatre parking. “No more worrying. Be proud of what you do. You are good at it and no one will know tomorrow night if you mess up, except you.”

“Thank you.” I hugged his neck when he opened the door for me.

Matt was all smiles and nervous energy, which helped me relax a little. We practiced then stretched. I laid back on the floor of the stage with my eyes closed, taking in all the old and new memories of this place. Apparently, Matt had laid down as well without saying a word. At one point he made a joke which had me laughing.

“What do we have here? Napping on the job?” Cota asked, walking in from side stage. “Or should I say playing on the job?”

I could hear a different tone in his voice that had me sitting up abruptly. He smiled but I could see it wasn’t a smile that reached his eyes, and I had no idea what was wrong.

“Cota, you remember Matt.” I gestured toward him. “We were taking a short break. It’s day before now.”

“Yes, I know. I came to see if I could steal my wife away for lunch, but if you and Matt are having fun we can go another day.”

“Don’t be silly, of course I will join you.” I looked to Matt. “I’ll meet you back here in, let’s say, ninety minutes. Would you like me to bring you something to eat?”

Matt must have picked up on a change in Cota as I did. He shook his head no. “I have a packed lunch today. I thought we’d be too busy to go out.”

“Go out? Do you two often go out?” Cota crossed his arms, looking at us both. “I wasn’t aware.”

“You must remember me telling you. Come on now, no wasting time, I need to get back.”

“Maybe I’ll stay and watch practice this afternoon,” Cota said, then nodded to Matt as we left.

Whatever is his problem?