

We had such a good evening together. She was always so easy to be with and I was becoming very attached to her. When we said goodnight, I saw the sadness creep into her eyes before she turned to go to her room. I once again found myself wondering what her life must have been like up until now.

“Just wanted to thank you.”I texted Aunt Victoria.

“Whatever for?”

“For saving Sabrina from that ogre and knowing she was good for me.”

“You are very welcome. Goodnight.”

I went with her the next day to the theatre to audition for male partners. I kept my distance, watching her in her element. She was so professional and precise. She must have auditioned twenty male partners before lunch and had another group in the afternoon. I began to feel bad that I couldn’t help her more.

“Cota, I am so glad you brought me healthy food instead of pizza.” She munched on a bag of carrots. “I do hope there will be someone good this afternoon as the dance I have envisioned will take a more experienced dancer than what I have seen so far.”

“I am certain you will find a partner good enough to do what you need, so relax and have fun. Let the dancers know they don’t need to be stiff.”

Once they began auditioning the next group, I went outside to return phone calls. Bond assured me the theatre was secured. The guys called, inviting me to join them down the street for a drink. I didn’t have anything else I had to do so I let Bond know, then slipped out the side door. It felt great to see my friends and be myself more. Sabrina was not a drinker or smoker. A single drink in I held my hand up, exposing my wedding ring.


“No way. Cota Hawthorne did not get married directly out of school.”

“I did, and she doesn’t mind that I hang out with you turkeys.”

“Speaking of turkeys, are we invited to the Halloween Mash?”

“You guys are always welcome.”

“Then why weren’t we invited to the wedding?”

“Because nobody was invited.”

“Now I’m even more intrigued. Tell us about the wedding. Are you really Cota? Blink three times if you were forced and need help.”

“Get out, I wasn’t forced.” I blinked my eyes repeatedly. “It was a favor and thought it might help me convince the old man I grew up.”

“But you didn’t. You’re a grown man sitting in a bar drinking, mid-afternoon.”

“Wait, so are we.” We all laughed

“I’m not trying to be grown up, so it’s all good for me.”

“Is she a real girl or one of your pool floats?”

“Last time I checked I was a real girl.”

I heard Sabrina answer and spun around, expecting anger.

“Hey, Bond brought me here because we were finished and he didn’t think I should sit around there waiting.” She pointed to Bond at the door. “Are you drinking alcohol at this time of day?”

“Guys, this is my wife, Sabrina.” I introduced her and she said hello to each person. “And no, I’m not drinking, but don’t tell them.”

“Can we get you a drink?”

“No, thank you, I must go now.” She turned and left.