I think it understands what I’m saying. Could it be someone’s pet that got away?

I held my hand out full of crackers. When it didn’t come over to eat, I placed a few on the floor. It stood up, stretching its body out to sniff me, then the crackers. Stupidly, I reached for it and ran a hand down it’s soft back.

“Did you discover which book you would like me to take down for you?” The older man was back.

“I decided for today to only admire the room and this chess set.” I crossed my leg over the other, trying to hide the ferret that wasn’t at all interested in being hidden.

The gentleman left the doorway, finally, and I looked down to check on the ferret, only to find it had run away.

“Where did you go? I thought you were hungry?” I tiptoed around the room looking, but not finding it. Then there it was.

I was mid-crawl under the big desk trying to grab the ferret when Cota and Diane arrived. I could see the ferret within reach but had to stop and back out to a standing position toward them.

“You’re right, Diane, she is acting odd, isn’t she?” Cota teased. “Is there something you’d like to share with the class?”

“I’m afraid you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” I messed with fixing my bun I’d bumped on the desk. “I’m not crazy, though.”

“We didn’t think you were crazy, but I am very interested in what you find so fascinating under all the furniture today.” He smiled, letting me know he was joking. “Diane, is there a scavenger hunt today that I was unaware of?”

“What’s all the excitement in here?” Kellan asked, biting into an apple.

“Nothing special.” He winked at me.

I really do like this man. He could want to commit me or send me back to the compound, yet instead he jokes.

“What’s with the apple?” Diane asked Kellan. “You need a proper breakfast.”

“It’s not for me, it’s for Lionel, but I can’t find him.” He took a look around the room. “Have any of you seen him?”

“No, but I suspect Sabrina has.”

Who is Lionel and why does he think I know where he is?



She had the cutest look of confusion on her face, and I shouldn’t have been teasing her. At first, I was wondering what was going on with her. Poppy had said Sabrina was behind a curtain and Diane was in the room. She added that Sabrina was under the table, which was interesting and worrisome but, when Kellan mentioned he was looking for Lionel, a light bulb lit up in my head and I knew that was what she was looking for.

Would it be wrong to not tell her? She does seem to be liking her little mission of finding him.

I saw Lionel come out from under the desk and follow Kellan out the door. I was sure Diane had seen it too. Sabrina was distracted watching him, so I put my finger to my lips looking at Diane. She swatted me with the dish towel she was holding then turned and left.

“Did you see that?” Sabrina gasped when Diane left. “I looked it up and I think it’s a ferret.”

“What would a ferret be doing in the manor?” I faked shock. “Do they even live here?”

“That’s what I thought too. Come on, let’s follow it.” She waved for me to go with her.

“Sabrina, I should tell you…”

“It ran that way toward the family room. No, wait, it went to the kitchen.” She became more animated. “We have to get it; Poppy went in there with the baby.”

“That’s what I was just trying to tell you,” I called out to her running to the kitchen. “It’s a pet.”

She clearly did not hear me. I found her pulling curtains out and walking behind other curtains. Diane and Poppy looked at me, puzzled. All I could do was throw my hands up.

“Lionel, come here and stop frightening people,” Poppy called out. “Lionel… I have your apple.”