“Young man, that face hasn’t worked on me in thirty years. Go on now, sit on the other side and I’ll make your eggs.” Diane took the carton of eggs from me. “Let me have these last few survivors.”

“But I do want to learn. Can’t you show me?” I looked to a frightened Sabrina. “Tell her we’re not really in trouble, please.”

“Dear girl, I would not be angry with you for a few eggs. This one I might paddle just because,” Diane chuckled. “Do you want to learn as well?”

“I do, yes.” Sabrina fidgeted with her hands. “I can clean up the mess he made, too.”

“It’s a few swipes with a sponge and a garbage can for the shells. No need.” Diane cracked a few eggs into the pan perfectly.

I looked to Sabrina with a smile, only to find her not looking at us at all. She was instead looking under the counter and all around the room.

“Did you lose something?



Iwatched the interaction with Diane and Cota, wishing I had parents as loving as this lady that was an employee. Diane was just cracking the eggs in the pan when a furry flash ran by my feet. At first, I was unsure that I saw what I thought I saw, but then it zoomed by again.

Was that a rat? If that was a rat it was the biggest rat I’ve ever seen. Did they not see it?

“Sabrina?” I heard Cota say my name. “Did you lose something?”

“Um, no, I thought I saw something fall on the floor,” I answered, unsure of what I saw. “Those eggs look much better than his attempt.”

“They should, I‘ve been doing this for a long, long, time.” She slid two eggs on each plate and placed them in front of us. “Would you like me to teach you both how to cook?”

“I would very much like that.” I slowly pulled my feet up higher when I saw a flash of brown fur again. “Does Aunt Victoria have a pet?”

“No, she doesn’t have any. She always says it’s not fair to have a pet and never be home long enough to give it proper attention.” Cota started eating his eggs. “Why do you ask?”

“Just curious. I’ve never had a pet.” I put my head down and focused on my eggs. “Thank you for these.”

Where did that thing go? Maybe I should tell them. What if it gets in our room?

I finished off my food with one eye on the counter and the other searching the room. Diane was talking to Cota about cooking but kept giving me strange looks. I tried my best to act normal and stop looking around.

“Why don’t you both come later, around eleven, and I’ll show you how to make soup and maybe a pie.” Diane squinted her eyes at me. “Unless maybe you’re too tired. You seem bothered.”

“No, I’m fine. Cota, do you agree that we come back to learn cooking?” I kept my eyes on him but saw the fuzzy creature leave the kitchen. “If you don’t mind, I need to use the restroom.”

I jumped off my barstool and walked as quickly as possible without alerting them. I was going after whatever it was; I’d decided to make it my mission to find this thing. I caught a glimpse of it going into the dining room. One look assured me the rest of the family wasn’t around. I heard a little chirping type of noise under the table, so I slowly bent down onto my hands and knees to have a look.

There you are, I knew I wasn’t seeing things. But how have they not seen you?

“I don’t think you belong indoors, little one. Have you gotten yourself stuck inside?” I crawled under the table. “You don’t look like you want to be aggressive. Are you hungry?”

I should have brought table scraps for it. I wonder how long it has been stuck inside.

I could hear Cota talking to his brother but couldn’t make out what the discussion was. Kellan seemed a little concerned, based on his body language. Cota would go looking for me soon enough, so I was going to have to figure out what to do. Once they walked away, I had a chat with the rat-looking creature.

“You stay here and I will go get you some food. But after that, it’s out you go.” I tried for a stern voice. “Don’t think that cute face is going to change my mind. Besides, if one of the men find you it could go badly. Now stay here.”

I backed out from under the table and straight into legs. “Did you drop something under there on your way to the bathroom?”

“Hello, Diane. I discovered I was missing an earring from last night and, since no one was using the room, I thought I would take a look around.” I smiled to cover my nervous energy. “I didn’t want to bother anyone.”

“I’ll ask the maids. They already vacuumed this area, but sometimes they find things.” She merely looked at me without another word. “Go on, now, and get cleaned up.”