“Yes, you go left, and I’ll go right. Will they try to steal them from us?” she whispered.

“They won’t from you, but they would from me.”

“Alright, then we meet in the middle and you give me what you find.” She turned and went in the open bedroom door. “Hurry.”

The next fifteen minutes went the same way. By the time we all gathered in the living room, Sabrina had a full shirt of pacifiers. I stood in front of her while everyone counted their loot. Just when Asher thought he’d won, Sabrina stepped in front of me and the room erupted into cheering at the sight of her shirt riddled with pacifiers.

“Take a bow.” I stepped up next to her, grinning.

She put her arms up and did a pirouette ending with a grand bow. It was so amazing to see her in dance, I’d nearly forgotten.

She must really miss it.

“We have a winner!” Aunt Victoria announced. “Come on up and tell us which charity.”

“Oh, no, do we have to know right now? I don’t know one,” she quietly said to me.

“I usually choose underprivileged children or pediatric cancer. Is that good for you?” I took her hand and brought her with me.

We shared our choice then everyone headed to the gigantic pink and blue pacifier cake. It’d been a busy day and we were both exhausted. My parents had left when the games began, leaving me to be able to relax. The shower came to an end, so Sabrina and I went to our suite.

“Is it always like that with your family?” Sabrina opened the balcony doors. “I’ve never been around a family, and this family is so nice to each other, and very competitive.”

“You’ll get so used to it that it will become fun.”

“It was already fun, I wanna do it again.” She walked around the balcony. “Can we hang out on this balcony?”

“I’d love to. The weather is beautiful tonight.” I grabbed a blanket from the couch inside. “I’ll light the firepit.”

We spent the next few hours just lounging by the fire, talking. I learned more about her upbringing, her parents, and her love of ballet.

I woke to the rising sun peeking out. Feeling disoriented, I looked from right to left. Sabrina was sound asleep in the lounger next to me on the patio. We’d fallen asleep talking.

“Hey, you wanna help me make some breakfast” I knelt beside her chair.

“Eggs and bacon, please.” She mumbled. “I’ll wait here.”

“Sabrina, come on. If I’m going to sneak into the kitchen you have to at least be my partner in crime.” I stood and grabbed our robes. “Come on, come on…”

“Do you know what you’re doing?” She begrudgingly stood.

“Nope. I know how to make toast, bacon too, if I can put it in an oven. What about you?”

“Are you kidding? We didn’t get near the kitchen for fear of Yury.” She held up a hand to stop me from going out. “You mean in a place like this, not a compound, you still didn’t make your own food?”

“I was never allowed anywhere near the kitchen, especially the stove.” I had to chuckle at that. “The cook would chase us away with her wooden spoon.”

“I’m so sorry, that must have been scary.” She rolled her eyes at me. “Should we get out before she comes with her spoon?”

“Look at me being silly, not remembering where you were raised.” I shook my head in frustration. “She loved us and treated us like her own. She would chase us out then come find us with a treat.”

We started getting the food out to prepare. I popped two slices of bread in the toaster while Sabrina found the butter and jelly. I quietly searched the cabinets to find a frying pan, then grabbed the dozen eggs and started cracking them. It wasn’t going as planned; they kept cracking shell all over the pan in little pieces, making the egg inedible.

“I’m not so sure we should be doing this. You have wasted so many already,” Sabrina sighed. “Sadly, I fear I would not do any better.”

“Then the two of you should leave the cooking to the professionals,” Diane, the cook, said, flicking on the overhead lights. “Oh my, you’ve made quite the mess, haven’t you?”

“We didn’t want to wake you and, well, I want to know how to cook.” I gave her my best puppy dog eyes.