“I’d love to eat. Please ask Sabrina what she would like, and I can have the same.” I turned back to my papers.

Fifteen minutes later, she tapped on my door again letting me know my food was ready to eat. I padded across the carpeted floor to join Kellan and Sabrina for pancakes.

“Pancakes? I haven’t had those in a while.” I took a seat next to Sabrina. “Whose idea was this?”

“You have been a bad influence on me,” she frowned. “When she named off choices, I practically begged her for pancakes.”

“Pass the syrup, please, and thank you for this decision.” I slapped butter on top. “I was afraid it was going to be almond milk and some weird toast or a green ugly drink.”

“We did not have green ugly drinks on the compound. They made us eat a big breakfast so we would have energy for a long day of dance and workouts.”

“It makes me sad to hear how you and the others lived. I don’t understand it, personally.”

“Russia is very different than America. If you show any talent or your parents want you out of the way, then you go to these compounds to become a gymnast or a dancer or other things.”

“And what happens if the child is not talented?”

“Then they are sent home and the family is disgraced.” She took a big bite. “My mother would show me how to dance as a little girl. I thought it was to play with me, but later I knew it was to prepare me to go away.”

“I’m so sorry. That had to be difficult.” I turned in my chair to look at her. “So, now that you married and did not return, what happens to your family?”

“They will still be disgraced because I left.” She placed her fork on the countertop. “It does not matter any longer; they never came to see me or let me know they loved me. It is my time now.”

“Yes, it is, and I plan to show you all the things you have missed.” I went back to eating. “The housekeeper is going to pack for us while we go to our unit and look at swatches.”

“How will she know what I want to bring?”

“You can go in and tell her, then we’ll go.” I put my plate in the sink. “I’m gonna throw some pants on. I don’t think the designer wants to meet me in my pajamas.”

“She may not mind; you do look very cute in them.” She looked away when I turned and smiled at her. “I will go get dressed proper as well.”

We had the usual back and forth about me wanting her to choose décor and her saying she shouldn’t. By the time we left, we had both made design choices. Our bags were packed and loaded in the car already. Bond and Charlie were in the front seat when we climbed in.

“Sit back and enjoy the ride, boys and girls.” Charlie opened, then closed, the divider.

“Tell me about the family I’m going to meet today.” She kicked off her shoes and got comfortable. “Start with Kellan’s wife.”

“Poppy is also a mail order bride. Actually, maybe you don’t know this, but every wife in the family so far has been a mail order bride.”

“Really? That is very strange, is it not?”

“I don’t know. I guess it’s strange but, so far, everyone is happy. Aunt Victoria has done a great job picking for us.”

“Your aunt picked for everyone?” She shook her head, surprised. “I think I really like her even more now.”

“There’s nothing to not like about her.” I stretched out. “She’s the best.”

“I hope Kellan and Poppy like the gift we got for the baby.” I paused thinking. “Parker and Mia as well.”

“I think they will want to choke us for giving them giant stuffed animals, but I don’t care. They can always donate them later.”

“Do they have a big enough place for the stuffed animals?”

“They do, but they may decide to leave some at the manor, too.”

We spent the next hour discussing each family member. I warned her about the twins and their antics, especially Asher. I also tried my best to explain my relationship with my parents. We arrived before most of the family. Aunt Victoria hugged both of us equally.

“Sabrina, welcome to the manor. Poppy is here with the baby. Kellan arrived about thirty minutes ago and, well, Murphy is somewhere on her cell arguing with her newest boyfriend.” Victoria smiled and waved for me to follow. “Come on now, you will want to get settled and perhaps have a few minutes to yourself.”