“Really? We can go again tonight?”
“I have it waiting on us just in case you liked it. The city is beautiful at night.”
A short ride brought us to a parking lot where the helicopter sat waiting. Bond and Charlie flew us around the city. Flying over earlier was nice but, now, flying over the bridges getting an up-close view of the skyline with all the lights was even better. Before I knew it, Bond was announcing our descent and the ride was ending. The limo brought us back to the penthouse.
“Goodnight.” I kissed Bond and Charlie on the cheek.
We walked to the elevator and rode it to Kellan’s unit without a word. I was a nervous wreck, anxiously wondering how the night would end. I was really liking Cota a lot.
Istood quietly next to Sabrina in the elevator. The night had been amazing. I hadn’t had this much fun with a girl on a date in a very long time. I wondered if I’d met Sabrina outside of her needing a husband if we would have gotten to know each other, and maybe even dated. The last few weeks, taking care of her and having fun with her, had made me a better person somehow- a person I liked, even better than the college guy version of me, and that guy had plenty of fun.
Would she freak out if I kissed her? Should I tempt it? It’s her first real date. Would she be expecting it?
The ride up felt like we were going to the fiftieth floor rather than the eighth. When the doors opened, neither of us budged. Sabrina made the first move after what felt like minutes.
“I’m exhausted. You made the whole evening so magical, I can’t thank you enough.” She paused, then went on. “It was my first real date and you made it the best I could have ever imagined.”
“You said ‘first real date’. Have you never been on a date?” I leaned against the kitchen island.
“I have lived on the compound my entire life. We would like each other but were never allowed to date. So, we would pretend to date, which was just sitting by each other and maybe reading separate books or something like that.” I did quotations with my hands. “I’ve seen dates in movies but have never been on one.”
“I’m truly happy that I was your first real date.” I walked closer to her. “I, on the other hand, have had loads of dates, but this was my favorite by far.”
“You are so sweet to me. I won’t know how to act when we are done being married.” She leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Goodnight, my husband.”
It was my chance to turn the kiss into a real kiss, but the moment had been sweet and I didn’t want to ruin the night for her if she, in fact, did not want to be kissed. She went off to her room. I poured myself a milk, chugged it, and took myself off to bed. The evening had been perfect but being at the manor with the whole family was a much bigger thing. Not that anyone was hard to be around, except maybe my parents. They were harmless enough. However, they never had gotten used to any of us actually wanting to work. I clicked on the television, brushed my teeth, and slowly drifted off to sleep. I woke slowly to a constant buzzing near my head.
“I have some swatches for your approval, and furniture options.”The designer texted me.
“Sounds good. We’re leaving for Hawthorne Manor in about four hours.”
“I can meet you before you leave. I only need maybe fifteen minutes.”
“Okay, we can fit you in late morning.”
“Does eleven sound like a fit?”She asked.
“Sure, text me when you arrive.”
I could hear noises coming from the general direction of the kitchen. I looked to my watch to find it was eight in the morning. Since I never overslept, being an early riser, I was a little stunned that it happened.
I must have felt really relaxed to have slept that long. Or sick? I don’t feel sick though.
“Good morning, what’s happening out here?” I asked from across the room. “I didn’t know you knew your way around a kitchen.”
“I don’t; that’s the problem.” Kellan stood. “I was looking for something. Pretty pathetic that I don’t know where things are in my own kitchen.”
“I won’t tell if you won’t.” I went back to my room.
I dressed and looked over some papers, waiting for Sabrina to emerge. I didn’t want to be rude and eat without her. Kellan’s housekeeper arrived to save him from searching around in the kitchen. She tapped on my door to let me know Sabrina was awake and she was ready to pack my stuff while I ate.
“Is Sabrina in the kitchen?” I disconnected my call.
“Yes, sir. I told her I would be in to pack her next.” She brushed her apron. “Would you care to eat first?”