“Good evening. Might I say you look beautiful?” the doorman said, holding the door for us. “You have a lovely night.”

Bond had the car door open already. “You didn’t think I wouldn’t be here for you, did you?”

“I was a little worried.” She slid into the car. “Is Charlie hiding up front somewhere?”

“It’s just me.” He drove away from the curb.

Bond drove us through the park then out of town toward the airport. I hadn’t even asked if she was afraid of helicopters, but it was too late to ask now. If she was against it then we’d have to go by car. We chatted back and forth about work. I let her know we’d be leaving for the manor after lunch. We pulled into the airport and she smiled at me.

“You really are doing this?”

“Not exactly. This will be done our way.” I pointed to the helicopter. “What do you think?”

“Not a plane?” She giggled. “Even better. How fun this will be.”

“Oh, great. I was worried you wouldn’t like it.” I helped her out of the car. “Thank you, Bond.”

“He’s not coming with us?” She asked. “Will that be alright?”

“It’ll be fine, Tiny Dancer,” Charlie called out from the helicopter door. “You’re with me now.”

She hugged Charlie then boarded the chopper. Charlie showed us how to put on the headphones so we could talk, then we were off.

“Look how pretty all the lights of the city are.” She pointed. “Oh, look at the bridges lit up.”

Charlie flew us all around the city for about an hour. We came very close to the Empire State Building, then later around the Statue of Liberty. Finally, we landed on one of the highrises with a restaurant at the top. I hopped out once we landed to escort her out.

“Thanks, Charlie. See you later.” I waved bye.

“This is fun. Where to now?” She held onto my arm.

“Dinner, of course. I’m starving.”

“Thank God, I am starving as well.” She shook her head. “I didn’t want to spoil your plans by saying I wanted to eat.”

“I love that you love to eat.” I smiled at her. “Let’s go pig out.”

I’ve never been the kind of guy to order for his date, so we spent a little time looking over the menu, then I waved over the waiter with the wine.

“I hope you like this wine. I wasn’t sure which you liked so I ordered both red and white.” I made a silly face. “We could mix them if you want.”

“I don’t think so, but we can have one now and the other after we eat.” She pointed to the white wine.

“I like how you think, Mrs. Hawthorne.” I nodded for the same. “Cheers.”

We sat drinking our wine quietly. I saw that she was enjoying the view, so I didn’t want to disturb her. A waiter arrived with a tray of assorted breads and oils. It was now go time.

“You do love your carbs, don’t you?” She chuckled. “What am I going to do with you?”

“You can work on my diet later. Tonight, we enjoy this.” I poured some oils on her plate. “Come on, you can sweat it out in the morning.”

She hesitated as she always did. I could see the inner battle by the expressions running across her face. She eventually gave in and grabbed a piece of the warm bread. I dipped mine in the oil, then dipped again and again until it was gone. Leaning back in my chair, I unbuttoned my coat.

“Oh, no, I may not have room for my dinner.”

“Forget dinner. What about room for dessert?” She leaned back as well. “You have ruined me.”

“Or have I enhanced your life?” I nodded. “Think about that now.”