“Why don’t you get comfortable, then we can eat while we watch the movie?” She followed me inside. “There should be a television on the balcony. The weather is so nice.”

“That’s a great idea. I can have one put on our balcony.” I nodded that I was going to my room. “Be right back. No starting without me.”

When I returned she had put the pizza box, plates, napkins, and two cold waters on the coffee table. She said she wasn’t in the mood for anything serious, so we decided on a chick flick. I was alright with that. We scanned through channels until we found “Sleepless in Seattle” and “You’ve Got Mail”. We opted for the first one then settled in. I watched her take a bite of the pizza then stop and look at me.

“Oh, my goodness, this is so much better.” She took another bite. “You should have gotten a whole pie.”

“We can always get more tomorrow. What time are you shopping with the girls tomorrow?”

“Jade texted Murphy that they are not coming in town until the baby shower.” She wiped her face with a napkin. “Plus, I don’t know if I want to go again because shopping can be exhausting.”

“Did you buy lots of outfits?” I waited for her frown. “I hope you bought an outfit to go with this tie so we can go out on the town.”

“That would have been a good idea. Unfortunately, I did not think of it.” She thought for a moment. “I can go buy a dress tomorrow to match it.”

“Perfect. If you find something, we’ll go out tomorrow night,” I smiled. “I haven’t had the chance to take you out for a fancy dinner. I feel bad you didn’t get a wedding or a honeymoon trip.”

“Someday, I will get those things when I marry for real. You don’t need to worry about it now.” She turned to the television. “Thank you for caring, though.”

“We could fly somewhere in fancy clothes for a night out, just like in the movie.”

“Oh, she wears a beautiful long gown. I have never worn a long gown,” she closed her eyes, “Only the wedding gown for our ceremony.”

“Are you upset that you never got to wear a wedding gown in a big ceremony?” I called out from the refrigerator.

“Not upset, like really upset, but it would have been nice.” She looked back to me. “It is not for you to stress about.”

“Then we should correct that one day.”

“No, I will enjoy shopping with Jade for her gown and it will be enough.” She called to me. “Come on, let’s get a move on with this movie.”

We enjoyed the pizza while the movie began. She was a joy to watch while she watched the movie. We both reached for the last slice of pizza.

“You can have it.” I wiggled my fingers over the slice. “Or, we can split it.”

“Split it which way?” I asked. “Down the middle so we each get a tip and a crust?”

“That sounds like the fair way to do it.” She ran her knife down the middle. “I guess we should share the last garlic roll, too.”

“I have to save room for my Oreos. You can have it.” I took a bite of my slice.

“You eat so much junk food. Why not something healthy?

“Nope!” I demanded. “And if you’re nice, I will share them with you.”

I could see her trying not to watch while I twisted open my Oreo, licked the middle, then dipped the cookie in my milk. I tried my best not to make loud satisfying sounds. I pushed the container of cookies closer to her every few minutes until they were right in front of her. I won her over, finally, when she reached in and took a few.

“You haven’t won just because you pushed me into eating some.”

“I won a little.” I drank my milk, leaving me with a milk mustache. “Am I handsome with a mustache?”

“I would say you are handsome any which way, but the mustache is not your best look.”

“Ouch! Such honesty, I’m not used to it.”

“Oh, stop.”

The movie had come to an end during the great Oreo debate. I stood with the empty pizza box, tossed everything in the trash, stretched, and waved goodnight.”