“It would be fun. I read that in a book once that twins dress alike.” I found my size. “Let’s send a picture to Cota. Maybe we need matching boots too.”

“Now you’re getting the hang of it.” She put her arm around me and took a picture. “Of course, we need several more styles of coats. Just one will never do.”

Next, we went into a shoe store. My eyes again went straight to a tall black pair with fur on the top. Murphy approved, then showed me a pink pair that was similar.

“These will go with that pink jacket and the pink sweatsuit. Oh, and the grey jacket.” Murphy called for a clerk. “Now we need some flats that will be warm. Not that I do much walking in the city, but they’re so cute.”

This time the salesclerk came to us with a computer to pay. I was hesitant to give the card without knowing the amount but didn’t know how to ask. I looked over at the five pairs of shoes, scanning which ones to put back. Murphy figured out what I was doing and took the card from my hand and gave it to the salesperson.

“Could you please add a pair of the fuzzy socks over there in every color?” She turned to me. “I thought we talked about this already.”

“I know we did, I am sorry. I cannot help it.” I chewed on my lip. “You are born to this, I am not.”

“You know, you chewing on your lip all day has made me realize we need to get you makeup.” She typed something into her phone. “Sabrina, don’t take this the wrong way, but do you ever let your hair out of that tight bun?”

“When I go to bed.” I unconsciously touched the bun. “I have been wearing my hair like this for over a decade. We were punished if it wasn’t up.”

“I don’t know how you survived that life.” She touched my hand. “Do you miss dancing a lot?”

“Yes, very much. I am glad to be away from Yury and the compound, but I miss it.” I frowned. “I am very grateful, though, for your family’s help.”

“You can be grateful and sad at the same time.”

“I wish I could figure out a way to dance again, maybe after this marriage is over.”

“How long will that be?”

“I am not sure, but I believe one year was said at some point.” I smiled. “Then maybe I will get to dance again.”

“Well, we have you for now, so let’s go get you some make-up.” Murphy pulled me up next to her. “We can look at your hair when we get home.”

“You want me to take my hair down?” I questioned. “Even I do not know what it will look like.”

“Then we’ll find out together.” She typed into her cell. “I messaged Cota that we’re going home to watch Pretty Woman.”

“Will Bond and Charlie like that movie?”

“No, I don’t think it’s their kind of movie.” Murphy handed me the credit card. “They can have the afternoon off once we’re safe inside.”

“They do not look very happy standing out there.” I pointed out the window. “We should get them something.”

“Yes, let’s do that. What do you think” She waved her arm around the room. “Do they like shoes?”

“If the shoes were military issue, maybe,” I laughed. “Oh, I know. How about black dress shirts instead of those black t-shirts they always wear.”

“Okay, let’s see if they have gigantic size.”

We asked the clerk to help us find shirts and pants for the guys. The best we could do for size was to point to them out the window. We were standing in the men’s section of the store when I spotted a tie and thought of the scene in the movie clip. Like the girl in the movie, I thought that it would look good on Cota for his first real project.

Just get it. He mentioned the movie, so he will get the reference.

“I’ll take this tie as well.”

We left the last store around four in the afternoon. Murphy called to her housekeeper to have her make us a late lunch. We told the guys the plan for watching the movie. As expected, Bond opted out but, to both mine and Murphy’s surprise, Charlie chose to join us for the movie. Really, I think he got a good whiff of the food the housekeeper prepared, and he was hungry. He was always hungry.

“I guess we’re not going wedding shopping tomorrow,” Murphy called from the couch. “She just texted me that they’re not going to be in town until the party Saturday.”

“That is too bad, but she must have a good reason.” I took the other end of the couch. “When are you going?”