“Ice cream in a truck?” I turned my head thinking. “Oh, silly me. It’s an ice cream man. I’ve heard of them just never saw one”

“Yeah, they go around the city selling on street corners or in the park.” He started walking to it. “Come on, you need one.”

We stood in line waiting our turn, but I had trouble standing still. I was at my first ice cream truck. Our turn finally came, I excitedly ordered a vanilla and chocolate swirl cone. Cota opted for all vanilla. The guys waved us off when we tried to get them to have one.

“This is also delicious. I think maybe I am using that word too much.” I laughed at myself. “Perhaps I need a new word.”

“Delicious is a pretty good word.” He nodded in agreement. “Hey, the designer just texted me that she can meet us in an hour. You good with that?”

“Whatever you think is fine with me.” I licked the melted ice cream off my hand. “As long as I have time to finish this.”

“You do realize that you’re coming over to the dark side,” he laughed. “You. Thought you would get me to eat healthy but I got you to enjoy treats.”

“This melts so fast. I am losing half of it.” I licked at the dripping cone. “What does this “dark side” mean?”

“It means I win.”

“Win what?

“It means that you were a very healthy eater and now you are starting to love all of my junk food.” He handed me some napkins. “Do you need another one?”

“If I say yes, am I this “dark side”?” I stopped eating to look at him. “Because I do want another, but this dark side sounds bad.”

“It’s very bad.” He nodded at me, then the guys. “It might be too late to save her.”

“Now I know you are teasing me. James Bond and Charlie would never let something happen to me.” I tossed my dirty napkin in the trash. “I will have another now, please.”

Cota only smiled and bought me another cone. He even bought himself one. The guys still didn’t want one. Not even Charlie, but I made them have one for helping Cota tease me. I stood looking at the three men eating their ice cream.

“Why doesn’t Charlie have a nickname like James Bond?” I asked the group.

“That’s a good question, Tiny Dancer. I think I should have one.”

“I will think of one for you,” I said proudly.

We went off to our separate apartments. We went to Kellan’s place first, grabbed a notepad I’d been writing ideas in, then rode the elevator to our new place. It felt so weird to call it “our” place, but Cota got upset when I suggested otherwise. So, why not just embrace it for the time being? Thankfully, the decorator coming was the one Aunt Victoria had suggested. If I went the wrong way with ideas, she could get me back on track.

“Are you excited?” he asked while we walked around looking at the rooms. “I’m really happy you have some ideas.”

“We will see if they are any good soon.”

The decorator was very friendly. She had books and swatches. I shared some of my ideas and she asked us both a lot of questions. She opened her laptop as we waited. She clicked away, then turned the screen to show a model of our place in the color scheme we had just spoken about.

“Wow, that is amazing.” I moved closer to the screen. “What about the bedrooms?”

“We hadn’t gotten to the bedrooms yet. Which one will be your room?” She looked to both of us. “I saw two rooms that could each be a master.”

I didn’t know what to say. It had to be very odd for a newly married couple to have separate bedrooms. Cota wasn’t saying much either and the moment was getting weirder.

Would it be wrong to tell her? Is it a secret?

“Actually, we each have our own room. Poor Sabrina can’t get any sleep with my terrible snoring,” Cota lied. “Sabrina, did you decide which room would give you the best sleep?”

“I hadn’t thought about it just yet, but it doesn’t matter to me.” I stood and walked to the balcony. “Maybe you would like the balcony bedroom better.”

“You take that room. You like to do yoga out there early in the morning.” He sat next to the decorator. “Plus, the other room is closer to what will be my office.”

“Sounds like you’ve figured it out quickly.” She clicked away again. “Sabrina, do you have a color scheme you like for your room?”