“Hey, when you wake up, call me.”

“I am awake. NOW.”

“Sorry, I forgot what time it was.”

“Why are you bothering me this early?”

“We can talk later, go back to sleep.”I added a smile face with z’s. “I finally gave Sabrina a cell phone. We’re going to Central Park Zoo today, thought you might wanna go, that’s all.”

“Thanks, I got a text from her yesterday. The zoo? Is it still outside? In the heat?”

“That’s the one.”

“Hard pass, but thanks for the invite. Say hi to the polar bear for me.”

“What did you get for the baby shower?”

“Not sure, my assistant got something. I think she called my mom for a list.”

“That’s what I was going to do, but Sabrina says we have to pick it out ourselves.”

“It might be cool to pick it yourself. I just don’t have the first desire to go in a baby store.”


“Now go away. I’m going back to sleep.”


The three musketeers were on the way back to the car as I put my phone away. I could see they had coffee, thankfully, and not green stuff. I would try her yoga and even her ballet but never the green drinks. The driver dropped us right by the zoo. There is a nice section in the shade with benches. Sabrina decided to sit in the grass, so we joined her. Charlie even stretched out on his back when he finished eating.

“This is nice. Great idea.” I finished my coffee. “You ready to go see some animals?”

“We don’t have to go inside cages or anything, do we?” she asked. “I read stories with a zoo in them but I’m not really sure what it is.”

“You only have to go inside if you misbehave.” Bond stood and threw his trash out. “Do you want us to walk the zoo with you or just be inside somewhere?”

“What do you think? I mean, would you say it’s okay to not walk with us or not?”

“You kids go enjoy it. We’ll be watching.” He handed her a small device. “Put this in your pocket. If you need me just hit the button.”

“Very James Bond. No wonder they nicknamed you that.” I nodded in delight. “Very cool. I feel so safe.”

“You know of this James Bond too?” She looked surprised.

“Definitely, everyone knows James Bond.” I saw the confusion on her face. “You don’t know who he is?”

“No, remember? I did not have television and no movies, only books.” She stared at all of us. “The same books for years. I know a lot about dancing, though.”

“Yes, you do, Tiny Dancer. I would love to see you on stage in a show.” Charlie put his arm across her shoulder. “Make sure you get some popcorn and have fun.”

We spent the next two hours walking the zoo. She was so delighted when we got to the polar bear. He was in a good mood because he was right at the glass playing with his ball. The monkeys were another area she enjoyed watching. I’d have had to say I enjoyed the visit as well.

“Should we go in the store to see if we like something for the babies?” She pointed to the gift shop. “Also, I see the popcorn stand over there. Charlie said to get some.”

“Then let’s go get some. The babies are very little, do they even play with anything yet?” I held the door to the store open. “Don’t they just cry and sleep?”

“I do not know for sure. I have four younger siblings. One was an infant when I went to live on the compound. She slept a lot and, yes, cried.” She nodded in agreement.