Look at that. I didn’t even know there were newspapers anymore.

Sabrina had sauce on her cheek and shirt. Charlie announced the food was ready, then began scooping out noodles on each plate. I had been given the task of making a salad. Charlie helped, of course, but it wasn’t all that difficult after Sabrina had laid out all the ingredients for me. I was feeling pretty good about the whole preparing dinner thing.

“I thought the decorator was coming here tonight?” She stopped midway to her mouth with food. “What happened?”

“I decided to reschedule for tomorrow late morning.” I took my last bite. “I wasn’t sure how long this would take and didn’t want you to be distracted.

“That’s sweet, thanks.” She relaxed in her chair. “That was delicious. Charlie, thank you for teaching me. Now I can say I know how to make spaghetti.”

“Well, let’s teach you about cleaning up the dishes now.” Charlie stood.

“You know, it’s getting late. Sabrina looks like she could fall asleep sitting there.” I stood as well. “Just put the dishes on the counter and the housekeeper will handle It all.”

“Normally, I would say no way, but Tiny Dancer here wants to jog in the morning.“ Charlie carried plates to the kitchen. “I’ll come to Kellan’s unit for you in the morning.”

With a nod from Bond, both men left. I could sense they weren’t happy about leaving a mess, but glad they agreed to leave them. When the elevator doors closed, Sabrina was already standing next to it, waiting to go to Kellan’s.

“I just remembered, we were going to watch some movies tonight.” She wrinkled up her face. “I’m very sorry we got busy and forgot.”

“We can do it tomorrow night. What do you think about the idea of going to the zoo tomorrow after lunch?”

“I have never been to a zoo. I will want to rescue all the animals and let them out.”

“Yeah, I think the same thing, but most of them are rescued animals.” I pushed the code for the elevator. “I haven’t been to the Central Park Zoo in ages. There’s a polar bear who plays with a big ball and floats on his back. The seals are fun, you can feed them.”

“Sounds great. Do we need to get baby gifts for the shower I’ve heard everyone talking about?”

“Yes, we do. I’ll have my brother’s assistant get something,” I said. “It’s easier that way.”

“No way, we should get a gift ourselves. It’s more personal,” she demanded. “Do you always do gifts this way?”

“Yes, but in fairness, I’ve been in college for a long time.” I defended myself. “Plus, I’m a guy, we never know what to buy.”

“Excuses, excuses, excuses,” she argued. “We will buy something. I can call your aunt and ask if there is anything on a list.”

“You’re going to call my aunt?”

“Yes, I have a cellphone now.” She held up her phone.

“We can go to a few stores early evening and find a gift.” I chuckled. “Is that okay?”

“Or, we just find one at the zoo.” She smiled. “Then, no shopping, since you don’t like to shop.”

“Look at you, acting like a wife already.”



I’d gone to bed right after our late dinner, which was a good thing as Charlie was at the door before the sun came up. If I wasn’t used to early mornings my whole life, I’d have been miserable. I sent him a text that I’d be at the elevator in five minutes.

No time for a juice beforehand, I guess.

“Good morning, Tiny Dancer,” Charlie smiled warmly. “You ready to start the day running?”

“I am. Did you happen to see or hear anything out of Cota?” I looked toward the room he was using. “We should just go without him.”

We took the elevator down to the lobby. Bond was there in a sweatsuit. He said he’d be following behind. Every time I got a little too comfortable being a regular person, the sight of these two huge men hovering around me reminded me Yury was still a threat.