“You don’t worry about us, Tiny Dancer,” Charlie called out from the bench behind us, “unless, of course, you care that I’m hungry.”

“We can’t have that. I’m ready to go, too.”

We walked back to the penthouse together. Murphy texted me demanding to know why I hadn’t bought Sabrina a cell yet. What she didn’t know was that I had in fact got her one, I just hadn’t given it to her. I looked to Bond to see if he had retrieved the package when he parked the car. He gave me a nod.

“Sabrina, I meant to give this to you a long time ago.” I handed her the cell phone. “I put the whole family’s numbers in there, even the ones you don’t know yet.”

“I don’t know anyone. All the people I know do not have a phone.” She flipped it over and back. “Thank you.”

“Now you can reach me whenever I’m not with you and, more importantly, you can reach these two thugs whenever you need to.”

We continued walking, all the while she pushed buttons on the cell. I was so preoccupied I almost didn’t hear my text chime.

“I thought I’d text you first.”She added a smile bitmoji.

“I’m glad you did. Are you free for dinner?”

“As a matter of fact, I am.”

She glanced in my direction, sent me a slight smile, then went back to listening to Charlie chat away about noodles and how long to cook them.

“Maybe ask him to show us how to make a dessert.”

“How about some fruit? It’s already made.”

“No way…. Come on, don’t you want something chocolate?”

“LOL, I may not want chocolate for a few days.”

“Fine, I’ll just have my Oreos.”

“Are you going to share them?”

“Nope! You said they’re not good.”

“No, I said that hot chocolate chip cookies and cold milk are better.”

“Still say you’re wrong.”

“Stop pouting, you big baby.”

We reached the building. The doorman greeted us as he opened the doors. I always wondered why the job of a doorman was even necessary. People can open their own door. I supposed it had something to do with upper class and all, but I liked being a regular guy.

“I have a few calls to make, kids. I’ll stop over in a bit.” Bond took a separate elevator.

“Let’s go get some vittles going.” Charlie rubbed his hands together. “Do you need to change your clothes?”

It was then that we both realized we were still dressed in our maintenance man and businessman costumes. We nodded yes at the same time as well as reached for the button to Kellan’s unit.

“Give us five minutes and don’t start anything without me.” She pointed her finger at Charlie.

“Hurry up, then. I don’t have time to be waiting.” He waved us on. “Bring those Oreos you were talking about. They’ll make a perfect appetizer.”

“Oh man, you too?” she groaned.

How did he know we were texting about Oreos? That’s just creepy.

The rest of the evening was relaxing. Sabrina knew less than me about cooking. We were quite the pair and for completely different reasons. Charlie had an apron on while Bond sat at the bar reading a newspaper.