“About what you like,” I demanded. “It’s your place that I am sharing for a few months.”

“No, it’s our place,” he demanded back. “Whether you stay or not, for now, it’s ours.”

“Are you two having your first married fight back there?” Bond looked at us through the rearview mirror. “If you don’t stop, I’ll have to pull this car over.”

“Why would he say that”?” I whispered to Cota.

“It’s an old saying. It means he will pull over and spank us.”

I looked at Cota in horror, then to the rearview mirror. Bond was not smiling. I could see the side of Charlie’s face and he was not smiling either.

Could this be a real thing? Spanking adults?

“Surely you are teasing me, right?” I whispered again.

“Does his face look like he is teasing?” Cota held a stern look. “We better behave.”

I sat back, watching the men in the front seat, and back to Cota. The mood in the car became very cold and, for the first time, I was worried about my situation, until all three men burst out laughing.

“Tiny Dancer, I’m sorry. I was making a little joke, forgetting you didn’t know the joke.” Bond pulled the car over.

I watched as he walked around to my side of the car, opened my door, and gestured for me to get out. I looked back to Cota, who merely shrugged. I took Bond’s offered hand and got out. As my feet hit the ground, he grabbed me in a giant bear hug. I could tell the hug was a heartfelt hug.

“I will never make that kind of joke again. It must have scared you, and it was mean,” he said into my ear. “Now, how should we scare Cota for playing along with it?”

I stepped back, looking up into his smiling face. Charlie stepped out of the car and put his arms out for a hug, too. When we looked in the car at Cota, he wrinkled his nose up at us.

“I only went along with it because you guys are scary,” he attempted to explain. “Don’t look at me like that, you said it.”

“This is true, he did say it.” I looked back to Bond. “It is alright. You meant no harm and I need to be stronger. Yury is not here to hurt me anymore.”

“Do I get a hug too?” Cota said from the car door. “I think I deserve one.”

“Yes, you get one too, but only this once. Next time it will be paybacks,” I grinned. “I learned lots of ways to pay back from living on the compound. I am Russian, after all.”

“Duly noted, ma’am.”

“Do we need to stop at a store for food to cook?” Charlie asked. “What are you making?”

We both looked at each other and shrugged simultaneously. I stalled, hoping Cota would say something but, when he said nothing, I had to.

“What do you suggest?”

“I think it’s more about what you can cook?” Cota said.

“Why must I cook?” I crossed my arms. “I am only your wife in name.”

“Ouch!” Cota grabbed his chest. “I think this is a perfect time to admit that I have no idea how to cook.”

“Nor do I” I chuckled. “We were never taught these things. Only dancing.”

“I can cook for you, if you like spaghetti.” Charlie climbed into the car. “Or we can order in.”

“Charlie, would you mind teaching me how to cook this spaghetti?” I asked. “I would like to.”

“Of course, I’d be happy to.” He turned in his seat to wink at me. “Maybe you can teach me some of that fancy dancing.”

“Now we’re talking.” Cota clapped his hands together. “I’ll pay money for this show.”