“Jade says they’re coming in earlier. I was gonna tell Sabrina we’re going a day earlier, but she doesn’t have a cell phone.”

“I should get her one. I totally forgot she had to toss hers.”

“Yes, get her one, like today.”

“I will. I’ll bring her to dance there on Thursday night, but I’ll let you tell her when you go shopping on Wednesday.”

“Why not take the credit for it yourself?”

“I don’t want her to feel pressure.”

“You like her, don’t you?”

“I married her.”

“Yeah, yeah, but you like her.”

“I don’t know. I guess so, but not sure if it’s that or I feel bad for her.”

“Why can’t it be both?”

“Why do you have to be such a pain?”

“Hey, you texted me.”

“I did, didn’t I? Gotta go find a costume.”


When I looked up from my cell, all three of them were staring at me. Bond looked like he wanted to punch something, Charlie had his usual silly grin, and Sabrina just stared with no expression.

“I can’t figure out what we should be.” She held up two costumes. “Do you have an idea?”

“I’m not used to being a couple costume. Maybe we need some suggestions.” I walked to the counter. “Sir, do you have a list of couples outfits?”

“Not an official list, but there’s the Disney couples, the usual doctor/nurse, cop/jailbird.”

“Cop and jailbird could be fun,” I nodded.

“We need a costume for these two gentlemen as well,” Sabrina interrupted. “Cota, come over here, please.”

Hmm, I’ve never seen her be rude before. Interesting.

“Sorry I interrupted. The guys are trying to leave, so I had to say something.”

“What’s up?” I asked Charlie.

“We don’t care about costumes. You pick them for us.” They walked away.

“I don’t blame them. I’m sure they’ve never worn one before.” I looked at the rack next to me. “Do you like the cop/jailbird idea?”

“Not really, do you like the Disney couple idea?”

“Not really,” I frowned. “I’m no Prince Charming.”

“I don’t agree with that. You were my white knight.”

“Yikes, that was super cheesy,” I cringed.