Iknew Cota wanted to watch a movie but, for some reason, I was needing some time alone. He hadn’t done anything wrong, so I felt bad. He’d been great every day since I met him.

What is my problem?

I finished a nice long hot shower, grabbed the book I’d been reading, and crawled under the huge comforter. I laid there for a few minutes then cracked open the book but, when I read the same page four times, I gave up. The next thing I knew I was waking up. I hit the button on the remote for the blackout curtains. The sky was just turning to morning, which was perfect for yoga.

I wonder if Cota is really joining me.

I slipped into my yoga outfit and slowly opened the bedroom door. It was completely quiet. I tiptoed down the hallway, then turned to the balcony.

“Good morning.”

“You’re awake before me? I thought I was the only early riser.” I shifted from right to left. “You ready?”

“I already put the mats out there.”

We spent the next forty-five minutes stretching. Cota was definitely getting much better. I finished the last stretch then laid back on the mat, looking up at the sky.

“Even in the city, I still love this time of morning,” I sighed. “A glass of orange juice would make it even better.”

“Have you always done yoga early like this?” He laid back too. “Orange juice?”

“No, I’m an early riser because Yury would have us up this early practicing.” I sat up. “Any juice would be good.”

“Even as a child?

“Yes, even then. I can thank him for making us all do yoga to keep our muscles fluid.”

“I suppose so, but it seems mean to do to a kid, if you ask me.” He stood, looking at his cell. “Alright, let’s get changed.”


“I don’t think there is any juice. I asked the housekeeper to make sure there was coffee though.”

“I don’t drink coffee. Do you ever drink juice?”

“I prefer coffee. Don’t you drink coffee?”

“Not really. You go ahead. I’ll get juice when we get to breakfast.”

The elevator buzzed. We both looked to the screen to see Bond and Charlie, coffee mugs in hand. Cota went to punch in the code to allow them to enter and I ran off to my room to dress. I knew it didn’t matter, but not being ready on time had been beaten into us, and it was too hard to change this soon.

What am I supposed to wear? I forgot to ask. Jeans should do it.

“Sorry I wasn’t ready when you arrived.” I hurried into the living room. “I’m hungry.”

“An orange juice for you, Tiny Dancer.” Charlie handed me a mug. “Jade mentioned it this morning when we spoke. I had a feeling there wasn’t any juice here.”

I am going to miss these guys. I never had a grandpa or a father to take care of me.

We all left together with Cota chatting away about the best bagels in the world. I was willing to try them but, if I kept up this bad eating, I would never fit in a leotard. I decided I would make a mission to get him eating better. The driver was there with the car. He knew which place we were going to. Bond jumped out first then waved us on.

“I know you want to have a bagel, but I’m going to have some of that fruit.” I got in the long line. “You should have some too.”

“I’ll have a bowl of it too,” Charlie chimed in, “and a bagel filled with cream cheese.”

Cota placed the order while I followed Bond to a table. Cota found us, grinning ear to ear.