“You go ahead. I have some paperwork to do anyways,” he smiled.

“Thank you, but I will take you up on that movie tomorrow night. I have a lot of movies to catch up on, according to you.” I reached up and kissed his cheek. “Goodnight.”



When she kissed my cheek, I felt myself freeze. It was so gentle and sweet. I could feel the smile start at the corner of my mouth until I was grinning like an idiot.

She finally feels comfortable with me. Tomorrow will be fun.

As if on cue, my cell rang. It was Kellan, so I walked to his office to take the call.

“Big brother, you checking to make sure I haven’t damaged your penthouse?” I joked. “Thanks, by the way, for letting us use it.”

“I hadn’t considered you might damage it. Should I send maintenance in?” he joked back.

“I think we’re good for now, but if things get wild in here, I’ll let you know,” I said. “You know us college grads, we love our partying.”

“From what I hear from Sawyer, you’re a new man these days. Seems marriage is good on you.” He went on. “That’s why I’m calling, actually. Sawyer says you want to build a resort on a private island. Are you serious about this?”

“Very serious. Sawyer wants in on it too.”

“I love the idea. Would you be open to one more brother being involved?” he asked. “Sawyer sent me your design ideas and I love them.”

“I want it to be very high-end and exclusive for now, so more investing power is welcomed.” I smiled to myself at the thought of us working together. “Maybe even branch out and have more of them in other countries. I mean, we have the Hawthorne hotels already.”

“True, so it would be an easy segue,” Kellan agreed. “Let’s talk more next week at the manor.”

“Kellan, why now?” I asked. “You were agreeing with Dad a few weeks ago about my not being ready.”

“I’ve had time to reflect and realized I was being unfair. Dad had convinced me but, after some time to think, I’ve changed my mind.”

“Does Dad know about this?”

“Not from me.” The phone went silent. “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you to step up before.”

“It’s all good. You’re trusting me now. Besides, I’m a bit surprised in myself.”

“Marriage will do that to you. I can’t wait to meet Sabrina. Sawyer says she is very sweet.”

“She is, and she’s had a rough life, so I’ve been enjoying showing her the world,” I laughed. “Okay, not the world, but some of it, for now.”

“I’ve heard the back story, sounds like she deserves it. I think she and Poppy will get along great.”

“You guys are staying for the Halloween bash, right?” I asked.

“Wouldn’t miss it. I like it almost as much as the Christmas party,” he laughed. “I never realized how much I liked those parties until now. See you next week.”

“Later.” I disconnected the phone.

Wow! I wouldn’t have guessed he would come around supporting me this soon.

I sent Murphy a text that I needed a number for a good decorator, then told her we’d be going costume shopping tomorrow. I invited her to join us, but she had foundation stuff to do.

“Sounds mysterious.”I replied.

“It is spooky season.”