“I must stay fit and keep a dancer body so that I may someday go back to the ballet,” I answered without thinking. “I mean if I can go back, if Yury will leave me alone.”

“You plan on going back?” Cota asked, a little surprised.

“Not until after our marriage agreement is over and Yury cannot bother me anymore,” I said. “I need to practice somewhere.”

“I’ll have a ballet bar brought in. We have an extra room,” Cota seemed relaxed, “only if you don’t make me do ballet.”

The men burst out laughing while Cota pleaded and asked for mercy. I yawned one too many times. I tried to hide it, but there was no hiding anything from Bond.

“Let’s get back to the building.” Charlie stood first. “It’s been a long day.”

When we got back to Kellan’s penthouse, the guys walked around, securing the unit. Cota gave them the code to get in the unit we chose so they could start preparing the security.

“Alright kids, you’re all set. No one is bothering you here.” Bond patted Cota on the shoulder. “What time tomorrow?”

“I was thinking around nine. I wanna bring Sabrina to the best bagel joint around. She’s never had a New York bagel before.”

“Oh yes, you told me about it. Please join us to eat,” I asked the guys.

“You are newly married. You don’t need us hanging around,” Bond nodded. “Although, we will be around.”

“I want you around. I feel safe with you.” I added, “We need to shop for Halloween costumes. What will you be?”

“We’ll be bodyguards,” Bond said from behind me.

“That will not do. Cota, tell them they have to wear a costume.”

“You want “me” to make “them” wear a costume?” He shook his head no. “The Hawthorne power does not work in that zone.”

“What if I throw a tantrum. Would that work,” I looked to Bond and Charlie, “or does begging work better on you?”

“I’ll wear a costume for my tiny dancer,” Charlie smiled. “But I put my foot down at anything frilly.”

“Yay, thank you, thank you.” I clapped my hands. “Bond?”

“Are you going to continue giving me those puppy eyes until I say yes?” Bond asked.

“If it’s working, then yes.” I walked closer to him. “Please? For me?”

“That is just dirty.” He looked around the room. “As you wish.”

I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and thanked him again. He smiled, then walked to the elevator with Charlie.

“You know, I said yes first without being begged,” Charlie said from the elevator door.

I ran over and hugged him, then placed a kiss on his cheek. Without another word, he stepped back into the elevator, grinning like he just got something great, instead of a silly kiss from me. With a wave, the doors closed and I was alone with Cota.

“Nice work on those two, although Charlie is just a big softie.” He stood by the kitchen counter. “I should have asked you if nine in the morning was good for you to go eat.”

“You know by now that I am simple and easy to please.” I walked to the counter. “I am looking forward to early morning yoga on that balcony. Will you be joining me?”

“I think I just might. I am getting better at it.”

“Then I look forward to you being there too.”

“Do you want to watch a movie or something?” He turned to face me.

“I’m pretty tired. If you don’t mind, I would love a shower and some sleep.” I watched his face for disappointment.