“First, we go look at the two available units.” I turned away from the railing. “Aunt Victoria just sent me the codes.”

We spent the next thirty minutes looking at the apartments. Sabrina spent most of that time looking at the view from the balcony instead of the apartment itself. She was different than every girl I had ever known.

“Alright, Mrs. Hawthorne, which place should we choose?”

“Cota, I appreciate you letting me look at them but, as I said before, this should be your decision.”

“Yes, yes, I know what you said but know now that I will not be choosing without you.” I crossed my arms. “Now choose.”

“And if I say no?” She crossed her arms too.

She had the cutest stern look on her face. I wondered if she ever showed that spunk growing up, against Yury. We stood face to face, arms crossed, trying to hold out on the other. I should have known I would lose after losing to her in the staring contest.

“Fine, you win.” I uncrossed my arms. “Please help me choose?”

“Since you asked so nicely, I think you should pick the one on the fifth floor. It has a better view from the balcony.” She walked to the elevator. “Come on, let’s go look at it again.”

We rode the elevator up. She walked straight to the balcony, smiling. “See?”

“You’re right. This is definitely the best view of the two.” I pull my cell out. “I’ll let my aunt know now, unless you want to look at the rest of the unit again?”

“Not needed. My bedroom will be right here on the balcony.” She spread her arms out. “Just have the staff put my bed out here.”

“What a great idea, except the weather may not cooperate.” I nodded to have her follow. “I’m starving, let’s get outta here.



Both apartments were better than anything I’d ever lived in. I really hadn’t cared. I wasn’t kidding about my bed on the balcony, but I would not make him put my bed there. I would just sneak out there every night, just like on the compound when I would sneak out to sit on the roof.

“Are Gunner and Charlie coming with us?” I stopped walking. “I don’t want to go out without them.”

“I told them not to worry about tonight, just to have a relaxing night because I have plans all week for us.” Cota smiled. “If you’re worried, we could just order in.”

“I’m worried, but I don’t want to ruin your plans.”

Cota’s cell chimed a text at that moment. It was Charlie saying they were hungry and wanted to go get some food. They invited us to join them.

“Do you think they could hear us?” I frowned. “Yury used to know everything. I think he had a listening device in our rooms.”

“That’s just completely awful. No, I don’t think they heard us, I think they are hungry and maybe a little bored.”

The elevator buzzed that there was someone trying to come to the unit. Cota hit the camera on the wall to see that it was, in fact, Bond and Charlie. Cota hit “enter” on the keypad and the elevator doors opened.

“Are you coming or not?” Charlie waved us inside. “It’s getting close to my bedtime, so let’s go, let’s go.”

He sounded so grumpy but, in the few weeks I had gotten to know them, I knew it was all bark. And while Gunner, aka Bond, was mostly serious, he had a soft side as well. Charlie, on the other hand, was a real tough guy, but a joker as well, and I loved his company. I found myself imaging that he is what a grandfather would have been like, had I ever gotten a chance to know mine.

“Where are we going?” Gunner asked. “Is there a steak place around here?”

“There is, in fact, a place called Morton’s right around the corner if we want to stay in the area.” Cota answered right away. “Sabrina, does that work for you?”

“I will pass on the steak but I’m sure they will have something I will like so, yes, I am happy with that.”

Although it was a weeknight, I noticed there was still a line of people waiting. Somehow, we got a table immediately. I suspect it had something to do with the Hawthorne name. The four of us spent the next two hours eating. I mostly listened as I didn’t have so many stories as they had.

“Sabrina, we need to get some meat on those tiny bones of yours.” Charlie leaned over to speak to me.