“The manor is Hawthorne Manor, which is my parents’ home,” Murphy added. “They’re having a party, just family, to show off the babies.”

“How exciting.” I sat next to Murphy. “Will the whole family be there?”

“Yep, every single one of us, including Cota’s family.” Murphy closed her eyes. “Boy, that sun is still so bright.”

“I have to meet everyone at the same time?” I looked to Cota. “Do they know why we are married, or even that we are married?”

“I’m sure Aunt Victoria has filled in the family.” Cota sat next to me. “You don’t have to be concerned. The family is very easy to get along with.”

“Will your parents be there, too?”

“I never know what my parents are doing, but Aunt Victoria is, for the most part, my parent.”

Bond was out on the dock when we tied up. I could see a man standing by a truck, very serious looking.

He must be our chauffer to the plane. Don’t freak yourself out.

Cota must have noticed my concern. “It’s alright, that’s one of Bonds military buddies.”

There were two other men there that looked as strong and serious as Bond. They must have been the “guys” I kept hearing them being referred to as. I couldn’t be sure which one was more scary than the other. Someday, I was going to ask how they came about becoming the security for the whole family. In the meantime, I’d be sure to stay close by them.

“The pilot is ready. As soon as the staff have your things loaded, you can be in the air,” Bond said. “Let’s get you to the plane.”

Murphy seemed to prefer a fancier ride to the plane, but I personally liked the antique pickup truck. The plane was already on when we got to it and the pilot nodded as we entered.

“Good afternoon. We should be good to go shortly,” the pilot offered as we passed the cockpit.

I am so glad I won the bet because I could use some sleep after not sleeping last night.

I knew where the bedroom was from our flight to the island. I accepted a bottle of water from the stewardess and made my way to the room. I stopped halfway there to speak to Cota.

“Wake me up before we get there, please,” I grinned. “You know, because I’ll be in the bed all comfy.”

“Yeah, yeah, just rub it in.” He mumbled. “Win one little bet and I’ll never hear the end of it.”

“What’s this bet?” Murphy asked. “I wanted the bed.

“Not this time. Sabrina won, so she gets it,” Cota chuckled. “I even had to do a staring contest.”

“You’re no good at those,” Murphy laughed. “But this isn’t fair. I didn’t get a chance to win.”

“Come on, you can share with me.” I waved for her to follow. “I’m used to sharing a bed.”

“What about me? You guys are just gonna leave me all alone?” Cota called out as Murphy shut the bedroom door.



Ihadn’t really cared about the bed. I just wanted to make a fuss. I had some calls to make and blueprints to look over. Besides, Sabrina needed some rest and girl time. She was putting on a brave face, but I could tell she was nervous.

I should make sure Gunner is on the plane. I need to call him Bond before the rest of the family attacks me about their code name for him. It’s a pretty cool name, I can see why they like it.

I walked up to the cockpit. I could hear laughter on the other side of the door and the deep chuckle was none other than Bond, with Charlie telling a ridiculous joke.

“You telling good jokes in here without sharing them with me?” I asked from the doorway. “I’m sitting back there all by myself. Don’t you feel bad for me?”

“Sure, you poor thing, should we come keep you company?” Charlie teased. “What I really want to know is, what did you say to the girls to be left alone?”