“Sounds impressive. Did Gunner tell you about it?” I asked. “He’s the man when it comes to protection.”

“Yeah, he and the guys told me what to get and made sure it was perfect.” Sawyer leaned back in his chair. “Those guys are downright scary. I’m glad they are on our side.”

“I’m glad he’s going back to New York with us.” I winked at Sabrina. “My wife here needs him.”

“I heard Charley say he was going, too,” Jade added to the conversation. “With both of them there, you won’t be able to sneeze without them knowing.”

“Thank you for sharing that with me. I have been worried now that we are going back.” Sabrina half smiled. “I think I better go start packing.”

“I’m pretty sure you’re already packed,” Murphy said. “The staff will have packed you up and left out a few options for traveling.”

“Really?” She frowned. “I could have done that myself. They are so busy.”

“It’s fine, Sabrina, that’s part of their job,” Jade smiled. “It took me some time to get used to it as well.”

“The pilot messaged that we are cleared for departure in an hour.” Sawyer stood. “See you all on the yacht in thirty minutes.”

Everyone stood and went their separate directions. Sabrina walked quietly beside me until we reached our rooms.

“Cota, thank you for teaching me so many things in the last few weeks. I’ve loved learning.” She smiled, then went into her room.

It wasn’t until she said “last few weeks” that I realized we had actually been together for almost a month. I let on to her that everything would be perfectly okay in New York, but I was a little nervous myself.

If things get crazy, I’ll just get her out of there and we’ll come back here.



On the yacht over to the marina, Murphy spoke at record speed. I tried my best to follow everything she was telling me, but there was just too much information. I know I heard the words“shopping” and “parties”.

“Murphy, take a breath girl.” Cota tossed a deck pillow at her. “You’re going to terrify her.”

“Oh, shush, Cota.” Murphy went on. “Now where was I?”

“Somewhere between parties and clubs.” He answered for me. “Murph, she can’t go to clubs right now.”

“I thought Yury was gone.”

“He is, but we still have to be careful for a while longer.”

“Great, now I’m nervous again.” I paced the deck. “Can I go shopping and help find stuff for the wedding?”

“Of course. Gunner will take you.”

“When will Jade and Sawyer be coming to New York?” Murphy asked. “And we call him Bond not Gunner.”

“They said next week.” Cota leaned on the railing. “We’re all meeting up at the manor to celebrate the new babies.”

“My nephew is the cutest little guy around,” Murphy smiled. “They called on facetime before I came here.”

“So, you two can shop and have fun until we leave for the manor.”

“The manor?” I asked. “When will we go to this manor?”

“Shoot, I forgot to tell you again.” Cota apologized. “It’s been planned since like a week before we got married.”

“Cota, it is okay. I keep telling you that.”