“If I tell the truth, yes, I miss it very much.”

“Maybe when this is all over and you have your life back, you can go back to the ballet,” I said. “There are also other places to dance.”

“Yes, this is true but, if I stay out too long, I will not be good anymore.”

“Then let’s get you back in there after hours. You can practice.”

“That could be nice. I really do miss it very much.” She frowned. “I miss the other dancers as well. They are all I know. Basically, they are my family.”

“Then I will make sure you get to see them when they’re back in town.”

“Maybe. Now tell me about this Halloween party.” She sat down on a log. “I am excited for this.”

“The Hawthorne Foundation/family is known for their big Halloween Bash and Christmas Party every year.” I sat next to her. “Each year we all are asked by Aunt Victoria to help out.”

“I am surprised she does not hire people to do everything.”

“She does, but she feels that we all need to know how it feels to plan something, do the work, then see people enjoy it.” I smiled into the night. “She’s made sure to teach her kids and my siblings the right way to think.”

“What about your parents?”

“They were always traveling too much. Plus, to them, it’s easier to pay money for whatever they need.”

“I like Aunt Victoria. Will she let me help?”

“She’ll make you help. Plan on being busy.” I stretched my legs out. “Have you thought about your Halloween costume?”



“Ihave worn a lot of costumes in the ballet. Is that the kind I need?” I asked. “Because it sounds like people wear strange costumes like ketchup and pizza.”

“That right there is the beauty of Halloween. You can be literally anything.” Cota shook his head. “When I was a kid, I was a bum, a fireman, an astronaut. You name it.”

“I don’t know. It sounds a little strange.” I frowned. “Why would you want to be a bum?”

“Who knows why? I was just a kid doing what the other kids were doing.” He looked out over the water. “I used to spend months beforehand trying to decide what I wanted to be on Halloween.”

“This sounds like a serious decision.”

“Nah, It’s just a little bit of fun.” He smiled. “We can be something that’s a couple, or separate if you prefer. There’s plenty of time to think about it.”

“You decide. I don’t mind.”

“Not a chance. This is your first Halloween and you’re going to pick your own.” He stood and stretched. “Man, this fresh air breeze along with those waves makes me so sleepy.”

“Cota, I don’t want to pick something terrible. You pick, please.”

“We can go together back in New York. I don’t care if it takes a week. We won’t stop until you have found something you like.” He looked at his watch. “We should get back to the house.”

The next few days, we all enjoyed each other’s company. Sawyer took us out on the yacht again and I even got a chance to swim once more with the dolphins. I’d never known this kind of relaxation and I wasn’t sure there was ever going to be a chance for me to have it again. I went back and forth with my emotions-- getting back to New York, seeing the things Murphy and Cota had been describing and, if I was lucky, seeing the other dancers again. But at the same time, I was sad. It was very likely I would never be back on this island or this at peace, and I wanted it to keep going. One thing I was happy about was Cota had finally given in and joined me every morning for yoga. He still didn’t do all of the poses, but he gave it his best shot and I appreciated the effort.

“Sabrina?” I heard someone call me. “Oh, Sabrina?”

I looked around from behind my sunglasses, which were hidden nicely under my big hat. I didn’t see anyone. I heard it once more yet still saw no one.

Oh my God! He found me. I knew he would. What do I do?