“Murphy, I’m taking Sabrina out on the jet skis. Do you want to come?” I hovered over her in her lounger.

“You’re blocking my sun and that sounds like a lot of effort.” Murphy pushed her sunglasses up. “Are Jade and Sawyer going too?”

“I just asked, Jade and Sawyer are not going.”

“Then why don’t you two go enjoy yourself? I will be here getting a golden tan.” Murphy tipped her hat lower on her face. “Sabrina has a tan to be jealous of.”

“Thanks! I have never had a tan and I like how it makes my skin look.” Sabrina ran a hand over her arm. “Is it time to go now? Do I change my clothes for this?”

“Nope you can go in your swimsuit. We’ll be wearing life vests. Are you riding with me or driving your own?”

“I would like to ride with you this time. Maybe when we get back you can show me how to ride it in the shallow water.”

“I have a better idea. I’ll teach you in the shallow water first, then we go out just a little way.”

“It is your choice of activity, so we will do this how you wish.”

Everyone else declined to join us. Sabrina caught on rather quickly to driving the jet ski but wasn’t comfortable enough to go any further than the shallow waters. After about thirty minutes, I had her jump on back of mine. We spent another hour cruising around the island. We stopped on the far side where Sawyer had built huts. We decided to raid the refrigerator for drinks.

“What is this?” Sabrina held up a container full of assorted chocolates.

“That is chocolate. Have you never had chocolate?” I stared at her in disbelief.

“No, I have not. I have heard of it, but never like this in cubes.” Sabrina ran her fingers over the chocolate. “It smells like dessert.”

“That is exactly what it is. Come on, let’s sit down and have a tasting.”

“You mean they are different from each other?”

“Yes, and there are more flavors outside of that box and all over the world.” I grabbed a milk chocolate cube, then handed her one. “Taste this one first.”



“Ifeel stupid that I didn’t realize that chocolate was in those chocolate chip cookies.” I shook my head at myself. “I’m seriously like a child.”

“You’re neither of those things and, if you’ve never been exposed to something, how are you supposed to know of it?” Cota stood facing me.

“That’s just it. I have seen chocolate on television, but it was a rectangle-shaped bar,” I explained. “I can’t remember the name. It was in a commercial.”

“It had to be a Hershey commercial. Now that is some good classic chocolate.”

“Can we get a Hershey bar?” I smiled up at him. “Also, the other one in the orange package.”

“Orange? That must be a Reese cup. Now that has peanut butter in it, too.”

“Then no, I ate too much peanut butter at the compound.”

“I’ll tell you what. When we get to New York we can go around and try all the chocolates.” He nodded to follow him. “We need to get back now. I have to go look at the islands again with Sawyer.”

“You said New York. When are we going?” I followed him to the jet ski. “Will I be safe there?”

“You’ll be safe. Yury is leaving for now.” He climbed on and slid back in the seat. “Come on in front of me. You’re driving us back.”

“No, I don’t think I am ready for that.” I stopped following him. “You drive.”

“Nope, if you don’t drive us back then we’ll have to sleep here.” He crossed his arms. “What’s it gonna be?”