

Icouldn’t contain my pleasure when I bit into the hot chocolate chip. I tried to, but it was impossible, they were too good.

How could he even think his Oreos compared to this?

“Come on, Sabrina, admit it now while I’m here to gloat.” Murphy took another cookie. “Don’t forget the cold milk too.”

“Cota, this may be our first argument as a married couple.” I looked straight at him. “The hot cookies are one hundred percent better.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, I can take my leave now that I have won this debate.” Murphy stood. “Show me to my suite, please.”

“You’re sleeping on the beach tonight,” Sawyer joked.

Murphy went off to her suite to make some phone calls and shower. I wanted to excuse myself as well to get in a little stretching. I had been enjoying the relaxation but greatly missing dancing. I had a feeling I would never again be able to dance ballet professionally as long as Yury and his thugs were in the business. I would have to find a way to still dance, if only for myself.

“Would it be alright if I, too, excused myself to my suite?” I asked. “I’m feeling rather tired.”

“Sabrina, you never have to ask that question. You go get some rest if that is what you want but, first, did you decide what we’re doing tomorrow?”

“Yes, we are doing yoga in the morning, then I will teach you some ballet moves,” I grinned. “The deal was winner chooses whatever, was it not?”

“Yes, but ballet?”

“Do not worry, I will not make you wear a leotard,” I winked at Jade, “at least not this time.”

I walked away to the sound of Sawyer and Jade laughing. I was going to enjoy teaching him ballet. I had a strong suspicion he did not enjoy watching ballet, much less doing it.

I’m going to have to be sure to win again, if the opportunity comes up, or he will have me doing something I don’t like.

I spent the remainder of the evening in my suite stretching then standing under the hot shower with the massager beating on my stiff muscles. I had been too long from stretching daily and my body was letting me know. I would have to be stricter about a daily routine. I heard Cota and Sawyer in the hallway talking but stayed away. It was nice to have some time to myself. I looked through a stack of books the housekeeper had brought in for me the day I arrived until I found one that caught my attention. Living at the compound there had been very little to do besides read in our off time, but rarely had there been anything good to read. I lowered myself into the chaise lounge in the corner of the room and opened the book to the first chapter.

Am I being rude not visiting with Cota tonight? Will he be upset?

The next thing I knew, I awoke to a loud clunk. The book had fallen from my hands when I’d dropped off to sleep. It hit the floor and bounced closed.

Darn, now I lost the page I was on.

The room had gone dark except for the outside lights filtering in through the curtain. I glanced at my watch. It read three in the morning. Apparently, I’d been asleep for a while. I stretched then reached for the book. With a quick flip of the pages, I was able to find where I’d left off. I stood, crossed the distance to the bookshelf, then crawled under the covers of the inviting bed.

I’m going to miss this wonderful big bed. I wonder if I stay under the covers no one will find me and I can sleep all day?

Cota was a man of his word. He was waiting for me on the deck with the yoga mats, ready to go. Jade was sitting at the table doing some paperwork. She waved good morning then went back to her papers.

“I have decided that I am going to master this unnatural body bending.” Cota walked over and took his place on the empty mat. “But go easy on me. Remember how nice I am.”

“Oh brother, such vaudeville over nothing,” I laughed, then sat on my mat next to him. “You are so young, you can do it.”

We spent the next thirty minutes stretching. He moaned and groaned as he tried each new position, then we both enjoyed a big laugh when he landed on his chest.

“You’re evil,” he mumbled, face down. “Can we take a break before ballet?”

“Of course, let’s get some breakfast first.” I put my hand out to help him up.

I watched as he devoured a plate of eggs and bacon along with three biscuits, all while I ate oatmeal and a bowl of fruit with yogurt. I looked over to Jade who was also watching him shovel his food into his mouth. She only smiled and went back to her bowl of fruit.

“Wow, that yoga sure made me hungry. I may just pop now.” Cota leaned back in his chair.