“Catch me if you can…”

Murphy exited the truck with a big smile, which was good to see since I had been getting her fired up. My only sister was too young to give a hard time to yet.

“What a nice marina, Jade.” Murphy hugged everyone. “Your dad was telling me all about it on the drive over. Good thing I didn’t “walk” or I would have missed the story.”

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s get going. I’m getting hungry.” I grabbed her suitcase from Jade’s dad. “Where’s the rest of your luggage?”

“I packed light. How much do you need on an island anyways?” Murphy walked on to the yacht with the girls. “What’s for dinner?”

We all relaxed on the cruise back. The sunset was always beautiful. You definitely didn’t see it like this in the city. I could see more each day why Sawyer ran away from society to live here. Dinner was waiting on us when we arrived back on the island.

“That was delicious. I am getting very fond of iced tea.” Sabrina finished off her drink. “It is almost a dessert.”

We all laughed at that.

“No, dessert is Oreo cookies and milk.” I looked to Sawyer. “Tell me you have Oreos.”

“What do you think?” He gestured to the wait staff to get it. “I’m surprised you haven’t asked for them before now.”

“Chocolate chip right out of the oven. Now that is dessert,” Jade added to the discussion. “That beats Oreo cookies any day.”

“No way, they fall apart, and you can’t eat the middle out,” I argued.

“I’d have to go with Jade on this one.” Murphy shook her head. “Sabrina, you need to break the tie. Which do you think?”

“What is an Oreo cookie?” Sabrina asked the group.

“You’re kidding, right?” I asked in surprise.

“I’m afraid I am not,” she frowned. “Dancers do not eat dessert.”

“Alright, that’s it. Have the chef make chocolate chip cookies and bring on the Oreos now.” I grabbed the plate of Oreos when the waiter brought it in. “This is an Oreo. Now watch carefully. You twist it apart then lick the white cream out of the middle.”

I proceeded to twist mine to show her, then licked away the cream. She watched with complete seriousness. Then I dipped the outer piece in my glass of milk.

“That would be considered playing with your food where I lived.” She shook her head at me. “Does that not make it soggy?”

“It does if you don’t eat it right away. Here, try it.” I handed her a cookie and a glass of milk. “You have to try it to see who is right.”

She looked around the table as we all watched her twist the Oreo. The cream ended up on both pieces and she frowned.

“How did you do that? Mine is messy.”

“It takes some practice, but it doesn’t matter. It’s all how it tastes.”

She tentatively licked at the cream, then smiled and licked it all away. Sawyer and I both joined in with our own cookies. This continued until the whole plate of cookies were gone. If I said Sawyer and I ate most of them, I would be lying. Sabrina smiled ear to ear when they were gone, then downed the rest of her milk.

“How sad that I have never had that pleasure until now.” She plopped back in her chair, holding her stomach. “I don’t think I will have room for more cookies tonight.”

“That’s just wrong,” Murphy demanded. “You purposely filled her up on those so she wouldn’t have room for the chocolate chip.”

“Yeah, I smell foul play going on here,” Jade agreed. “This may have to continue tomorrow night to get a true decision.”

The wait staff came out at that moment with a plate of hot cookies. We all started laughing at the timing of it. Murphy and Jade dug in immediately as they hadn’t had dessert yet. I could see Sabrina eyeing them and could tell any minute she would give in to it.

“Go ahead and try one of their cookies. I can see how delicious they’re making them seem.” I pushed the plate in front of her. “Go on, I won’t be upset.”

“I’m not sure you are telling the truth.” She reached for a cookie. “Oh my God, these are amazing.”